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Everything posted by AlexandeRSciswoR

  1. What is that Aurora Asset Editor you mentioned? Does that solve the issue with synopsis and the rest of assets not present in regular Aurora?
  2. Good morning everyone, hope you are having a fantastic day! The issue I have is that I am not able to download any assets from any of the games I have in Aurora apart from the cover. No synopsis, no ratings, no screenshots, and so on. I tried downloading the assets with both livestrong and liveblock enabled and disabled and it didn't change anything. What should I do? Thanks for reading, AlexandeR SciswoR
  3. Same deal here in 2021, even when livestrong and liveblock are disabled, what should I do?
  4. Now it's the exact opposite problem. Yesterday it was the "Unheld Exception" error, and now it's the complete opposite. I added one more game to the catalog (Transformers The Game) and now the issue is that no cover gets downloaded of it, and now rescaning for assets does nothing, not even a crash, it just tells you it's downloading but nothing changes, not even the cover for this game. What should I do to fix it?
  5. Heyo everyone, my name is Alex, I am new here and also very new to the Aurora's system of Xbox 360 RGH. Just today I learned about it and used it. I am not particularly new (nor an expert) to Xbox 360 RGH and Xex-menu stuff, I know the basics of it for example how to run games with the Xex menu and that my 360 is with RGH but not much more than that (for anyone wondering, I wasn't the one who did all the process with RGH or Xex, that was made by a technician back in the day when I was a kiddo, and then years later I got to learn those basics and now I learned of Aurora). Now, the issue that I found after having used Aurora and wanting to download all of the screenshots, descriptions, ratings, and more of the games I have in my catalog is that this error appears: What should I do to fix it? Thanks in advance to anyone who takes time out of their day to help me.
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