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Everything posted by ValluViltteri

  1. I cant get ´none´ of XBLA files work with my RGH modded box, can someone please help? My console is modded with Demon DUAL NAND, and i have made it boot straight to fsd with dashlaunch 3.09. Every homebrews and 360 games work and shows up in fsd (they are in hdd1/Games) , but none of the "loaded" XBLA:s wont show up, and wont start even with file manager? I have allready try to use XM360, cause i was thinking that its because that they are locked or something, but XM360 wont either show the files... XBLA Files are located: hdd1/content/0000000000000000/1234567/000D0000/file i think this is the right place for xbla:s? I have used filezilla to transfer the files, cause i can´t use content manager or similar, cause i have only mac right now. I have couple xbla games what i bought before modding, and they are listed and working fine.. If i start console without chip, it offers me system update, can i update or can they somehow see that i have something weird in my console, and do i get banned? i cant remember what is system firmware right now, but i think it´s quite new. !! It´s working now!! problem was that Filezilla was in ascii mode, it´s have to be binary!
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