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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/23 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Oh try to put that wav or xma along side the Auroa_main.xui or deep inside these folders\Aurora\SystemLayer & Application Layer is & test. As from memory that's how I've set my audio files up. Depending on what I'm trying to achieve. Plus for the wav file I'm not sure how those work you may need the optional media update. As that allows for certain music, videos files to play. I'm not 100% on how Aurora works with wavs. But you actually need the optional media update to allow playback for the Aurora synopsis trailer.wmvs to work for your titles etc as I'm not sure if you need this for wav files as I've never tried wav files in aurora default.xzp skin It's been awhile since I've played or done anything Aurora skin related As I've always just converted my wav files to xma via the xma converter tool So like Aurora_Main.xur\Aurora\you're xuiAudio along side the SystemLayer & ApplicationLayer folder. As I think how you have it now won't work as it's not being seen by Aurora
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