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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/21 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Because that's not how it's designed... The structure should be as follows: Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\titlename.txt Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\description.txt Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\publisher.txt Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\developer.txt Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\releasedate.txt Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\genre.txt Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\banner.jpg Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\banner.png Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\banner.dds Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\cover.jpg Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\cover.png Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\cover.dds Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\background.jpg Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\background.png Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\background.dds Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\screenshot1.jpg Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\screenshot1.png Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\screenshot1.dds Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\screenshot01.jpg Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\screenshot01.png Aurora\User\Import\<TitleID>\screenshot01.dds the screenshot filenames indicate the index at which they should be placed, you can add up to 20 screenshots numbered either starting with 0 (01, 02, 03, 04 etc. up to 09) or as a single digit (1, 2, 3, 4 etc. up to 9) you can of course also go 11 - 20 as they areYou should only have a single one of the above image formats, (jpg, png or dds), they're options you have, most likely you'll be using jpg or png
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