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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/17 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Please don't misunderstand me! :-) I wasn't talking about the quality or the time that an update takes. I meant the release cycles! The most Linux-Distros and nowadays Windows 10 put out a new release in a frequent and they look at a new feature and if its done its in, if it not done its in the next release. In my opinion its more comfortable for the developers cause they can release smaller updates with less changes and they have less time pressure. But all this is just my opinion!! All the people who are working on Aurora can do what they want and release it when they mean that it is time to release. I know how much hard work and time goes in such an project and I really show my deepest respect to this people!!
  2. 0 points
    This is nothing like the vista story..... As far as being too much of a linux penguin, that is funny. Take it from someone who has been running linux since 2004. You want to talk about linux being better on the release schedule, here is a perfect example of a couple of apps that took years for updates even being opensource. This list includes Compiz 0.8 series(0.9 was done by ubuntu devs for unity, but didnt work outside of that enviornment), so from 2008 to 2016, there really werent any updates there. Audacious just put out a new update, but previously the last update came out in 2013. DansGuardian's last update came out in 2009, though it was succeeded by e2guardian. I could keep going, but your argument is funny at best. The other thing about a rolling release that you might not realize, is sometimes it breaks other things, especially in linux, as if a library gets updated, but an app that uses that library doesnt, sometime you cant recompile that app to work with the new library. Take it from some one who runs a pure gentoo system with the experimental packages. I have had to manually patch a lot of apps to get them to compile with a new version of the same library. A perfect example of this is if you try to build IORTCW, or IOQUAKE3, using system libs, and not the libs included with it, stupid stuff like the ZLIB unzip functions moved to different headers, the SDL library changes cause some interesting mouse issues, etc. Now, after alot of time going through code, googling for fixes, etc, I have managed to hack, in a very dirty way, some fixes for some of this stuff. As for the new major features, you are talking about(NetISO, and WebUI) didnt take half as long to debug as the DVD Panel, Avatar stuff, Dashlaunch, save game manager, etc included in 0.7b. Honestly, As far as aurora goes, we had a stable version of 0.7b when this thread started. A few bugs have been fixed since then, but for the most part it has been done. The NetISO stuff, and webUI would probably be done already, but we have lives.The person working on the WebUI just had a baby a couple of months back, so between the day job there, and the baby, they dont have a bunch of time to rewrite the webUI, as for the NetISO stuff, being one of the main testers on that, and having reported more bugs there than pretty much anyone else there, I can say that there are some tricky problems such as hooking the SMC to stop the kernel from receiving the eject signal, but still allowing the drive to eject while an iso/svod image is mounted. Or fixing/finishing the server side software. I could keep going. The idea behind adding these features was to give users some new things with Nova, and get back the rest of the functionality of the freestyle plugin that was lost when it was integrated into aurora(WebUI). There have also been a lot of updates to the underlying code of the plugin, to fix bugs, and update things like the webserver, SSL for link, The RSS feed bug, where after the server was updated, if RSS was enabled for the plugin(RSS feed is now in aurora 0.7b as well, so it needs to be mentioned we are talking about the plugin), it would crash the HUD when trying to connect to link.
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