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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    This brought me memories of childhood - Thank you
  2. 1 point
    The hell? This is to just warn people to NOT join games with these account names because they hack. If they change profiles (xbox) then the unity account stays the same. Which is why I said link the unity account. If they make a new one for some random reason then so be it. This isn't a reporting thread. This is just to warn people to never join games with the "reported" players by the community exposing the players. You did a complete 180 and didn't read what this thread is about. As for lagging, of course people will do this. But look at COD Killcams. you can easily see hacking by looking at the killcams. Especially since LiNK hackers (mw3 mostly) love to expose the headshotting aimbot and auto lock on.
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