cwiggy78 0 Posted November 11, 2012 Hi, Jeez 2 posts in as many days i'm really over doing it now !!!! I've just managed to get a cheap 2tb usb powered WD hard drive. I formatted it to Fat 32 using HP USB Disk Storage Format tool 2.2.3 and then proceeded to transfer over 600 GB of 360 titles via my windows PC. I plugged it into my JTag and was chuffed as it showed up in the info bar of FSD 3. However when i go to my games list the games off the USB drive are not there at all. I then FTP'd into the drive and still couldnt see any files within each games folder (e.g USB0:\360 Games\Assassins Creed 3\game specific number\NOTHING HERE). On exploring the game paths i noticed all the references to USB game paths had disapeared. HMMM. So i re added the game paths and did a scan. Still nothing ??? I then turned her off and reconnected my old powered USB (1TB) hard drive and sure enough the games appeared. I'm not sure what is going on and how to fix this problem. I was under the impression 2 TB fat 32 usb powered hard drives were supported (although they are the limit i think) Can anyone give me a steer as to where i'm going wrong. Or some sort of fix. I've just read that once i'm formatted at fat 32 that i should have the xbox prepare a 16gb partition and then the rest of the drive will work within FSD 3. Is this the case ?. I await someone with more experience to give me some guidance Thanks in advance Chris (cwiggy78) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cwiggy78 0 Posted November 11, 2012 Hi *Update* So I reformatted the drive to fat32 then hooked it back up to my jtag. I then went into FSD3 file manager and created new folders in the root with slightly different names to what I tried to use before and which were used on my previous drive (e.g 360 games now changed to 360, and XBox Classics now changed to Classics.) I then FTP'd a game across and then went into FSD3 settings to alter the scan paths. Obviously amending them to reflect the folder name change. I then ran a scan and hey presto it has picked the game up and redownloaded covers etc for it. So I'm going to FTP all the 600 GB worth of games and then I suppose ill have to do a refresh of DB after that to get rid of the duplicate downloaded covers/ screenshots. So I seem to have squared it away Just sharing in case anyone else has a similar issue Cheers Chris (cwiggy78) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cwiggy78 0 Posted November 12, 2012 Hi, Thought I had solved it !! I'm having a torrid time trying to square this WD USB powered 2 TB drive away. I can get it formatted to Fat 32 with cluster size 32 kb and it shows up in FSD 3 in the info bar however I can't get games to show up on it they just don't appear however the size available does go down so the games are on the drive. I'm running out of ideas. Is the cluster size wrong ? Maybe I should make a partition and reduce size down to say 1.75 TB. It has crossed my mind that the drive may be damaged. I'd love some input off someone who has dealt with this in the past Cheers Chris (cwiggy78) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites