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Everything posted by Adital

  1. I formatted the new 240 SSD hard drive using the Xbox - I had to insert the device serial number to format the disk in the console. How do I copy the Aurora folder and how do I install dashlaunch on this disk? I was using dashlaunch in the past with the old and corrupted disk running Aurora so can I assume it is installed? when I am running the device without the internal hard drive the system is starting and running as an out of the box device. Thanks.
  2. Hi! I’m new here in this community. I have a problem and few questions Yesterday I copied a game to my Jtag Xbox 360 console and after reboot, the Aurora won’t start. It is stuck with a Scanning for new title updates for a few hours already. I could not find a way to skip this.I am using the up to date version of Aurora 6b, I like it very much. I would like to ask, is there a way to skip this process and let the Aurora boot without the update trial? is it possible to revert the changes? I can pull out the 250GB hard drive, connect it to my PC and make the required changes if needed. I suspect that the hard drive data is corrupted, I would like to replace it. I’m not concerned about the content on it I can copy specific things later if needed. Is there a good guide that explains step by step how to install a new hard disk and how to install Aurora on it as the default operating system? I have a 256 GB SSD I can use for this purpose, are SSD drives recommended? Can I expect a significant performance improvement or it is better to use a regular hard drive? Can I use a 512 GB disk? can the system handle disks larger than 250GB? Thanks a lot!
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