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Robert Khouri

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Everything posted by Robert Khouri

  1. This is an amazing port. Just tested megaman x3, x4,x5 and x6 all working perfectly. Really well done. Thanks for all the hard work!
  2. Thanks for all the useful posts guys. After some head scratching, I realised that the file names contained illegal characters for use of the FATX partition, and that I could only have 4099 files in one folder at the same time. I interfaced the xbox hdd to my pc, and transferred everything via usb 3.0.I used the tools FatXrenamer, and FATXplorer respectively. <<--- Highly recommended!
  3. Errr sorry If I sound rude...but I specifically said in my initial post that I tried using the File Manager in FSD already, and that it was failing, possibly due to file names being too long. Although xex menu sounds like an idea...I'll try that first! :3
  4. Thanks for the snappy response guys. Yea that's right...I've got both devices (laptop and xbox) interfaced to my home router, which splitting up all the traffic. I don't think I want to go through 20k rom files to sort out length issues either. Might try the wired connection,...is your connected directly to the xbox ?
  5. Hi guys,I tried to use the FSD File manager to transfer about 120gig worth of roms from an external HDD, to my xbox 320gig HDD, but it kept failing. I suspect trying to transfer thousands files at once probably causes memory issues. I'm currently performing the same operation via an FTP client, namely, Filezilla, but I found the transfer speed to be horrible. I was wondering what kind of transfer speed everyone gets over the wifi. Right now I'm getting 1 mBps (mega Bytes) ...is that normal? If so, does anyone know a better way to mass transfer? I'm very tempted to plug in my old cat5 cables... Forgot to mention that my laptop wireless connection is at 54Mbps, so I would expect a theoretical transfer speed of 4.5 MBps on a strong signal :s
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