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About M0RPH10U5

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    RMS Freshman
  1. Ok, So, I know I'm new to this forum, but I've been keeping track of all of the stuff going on in the Xbox 360 mod scene. anyway, on to my point... I'm having issues with LiNK, I know I'm doing everything right... And it may turn out to just be my router, but I want to pass this by everyone to see if there is something I'm doing wrong, or if someone that was having the same issue I am, can help me fix it. I've set up 2 accounts on jqe360.com for LiNK, I've Forwarded my ports for both consoles, and have both consoles running the same TU version. Both consoles have avatar data installed. Below are some screenshots of the router port forwarding, and the consoles, including LiNK test, and Game setup. When I run Halo: Reach on both consoles, I set both games to systemlink mode, and put both consoles in the same mod lobby I make on LiNK, HOWEVER..... this is the part I don't understand, NEITHER console, reveals itself to either one. And I have tested this in a public room with people in it. Nothing comes up in game, all that I can see is me in the games main lobby, but nothing else comes up, and I've let it sit like that for over 30 mins, and nothing happens. Can/does anyone know how to fix this? Screenshots: Router: Xbox 1 ( Test: LiNK: Game Systemlink: Game Lobby: Xbox 2 ( Test: LiNK: Game Systemlink: Search for game: As you can see, I'm sure I've done everything right, If not Please let me know, and tell me what I need to do to fix it. Much Appreciated. Edit: Correction, The issue seems to be with console 1 now.... Beginning to think it may be related to my hard drive or memory units, I will redo those and see what happens as I can use console 2 to play games with others just fine. Don't know.
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