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Everything posted by danpuz

  1. I noticed that there are different folders such as 00000001, 00000002, 0007000, 000d0000 etc. what are does folders used for and what kind of other folders exit?
  2. i am logged with the same account on both my console and computer.
  3. I want to update my some of my covers to a different one. I pushed the covers from xboxunity and it said Cover added to your Q. But when i refreshed my artwork, there is no change. can someone tell me how to fix this? my xbox is connected to unity
  4. My hard drive stopped working. I want to install Aurora and dashlaunch in the xbox memory unit. Is it possible? Thanks in advance
  5. is there a way to repair it by myself?
  6. When I transfer a game to my xbox hard drive it sometimes crashes my xbox and shows the e68 error message. does it means that i need to replace my xbox hard drive? I'm using FileZilla to transfer my games.
  7. but it's not showing up in the in the title update manager menu
  8. i didn't have a folder named 000B0000 so i created it and i put the title update there but it's still not working for me. it's a #2 title update, do I also need the first one?
  9. I manually downloaded a title update (the name of it is tu00000002_00000000) from xboxunity and put it in Hdd1:\cache with using FileZilla but it's not showing up in the title update manager of the game. the title id and the media id in xboxunity matches the game i'm using. What do i need to do to make it work? it also sometime crashes FSD.
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