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Everything posted by daD

  1. daD

    XBLA setup question.

    oh my god, i found the problem. all the xbla i uploaded with filezilla through FSD ftp server. After i copied them from external usb disk - they appeared instantly and everything was fine O_o It seems ether filezilla itself or FSD ftp somewhat corrupts xbla. More research needed.
  2. daD

    XBLA setup question.

    xm360 cant find games ether =/ even if they are in content. it shows dlcs and savegames, everything except xbla. i found my archive of the same games that were working a year ago and even they dont show up in FSD (only one of them does, but still - it doesnt launch and shows up randomly from the selection of 5)
  3. daD

    XBLA setup question.

    still no luck getting xbla up. they still dont show up in FSD and still corrupted in NXE if i put then in content =/
  4. daD

    XBLA setup question.

    I'm trying to delete the path and now it is just stuck at "Deleting Game Data" screen. Thats maybe not the problem but thats a bug in FSD. I found the possible problem - the games that were put in /content are shown as corrupted in NXE file manager. But i certainly have contpatch set to true, does this mean i still have to patch manually all the arcades? Is there a way to do this in Max OS X or at xbox itself?
  5. daD

    XBLA setup question.

    scan depth max, tried putting them in content with no luck, did manual scans ofc, tried everything. Games are quite popular xbla releases from XBLAplus team, so i dont think they are the problem.
  6. daD

    XBLA setup question.

    Hello guys, i've got a question. I've recently updated my xbox (trinity 16203, F3 735, DL 3.07) but i get a problem setting up and launching XBLA. My setup looks like this (eg): hdd:/xbla/gamename/58410B8Ð/000D0000/. I've got separate game path for them (hdd:/xbla/) and i have contpatch=true in DL. I've got 3 games there but only 1 of them shows up and even that game just doesn't launches after i press A. I tried a fresh install of FSD (i thought maybe DB got corrupted or smth) but the problem still persists. So, what am i missing? I dont have access to a Windows machine, so "easy way" of using Content Manager is not a option. I used to have a similar setup a year ago, and it worked flawlessly, but now i cant just make it work.
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