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Posts posted by thembones

  1. Alright so I got the game going again with update 1.3.0. I found the Portal character update and injected into the game. Horizon put it into the game saves category and not under title updates where I figured it would go. Surprise surprise I cant access the Portal level.

    Is there somewhere I can place the content specifically or should this be working? The XBOX does not want to acknowledge that the download is already onboard.

    Also the only way I have got it to work this far is to run the profile, game saves and title update from the usb stick. As soon as I transfer it all over it all goes to hell so I leave it there.

    Good times being a Dad. lol.

  2. I too cannot get the update to work.

    I finally was able to have my kernal updated by a local guy here (out of fear of ruining it by doing it myself), who was very nice . So the game pad and game finally work, but now this TU3 update is stopping the whole production.

    Do you need update 2 as well? or is just 3 gonna make the extra character packs work?

    I can put the figure in the game but not their levels and instructions to build the rest of the set (in my case the Portal 2 character appears but not the companion cube or turret). Also each attempt at installing the update causes my most recent save to not work. It tells me that it was saved with a more recent update before and it needs to update again before it will let me continue (as if I'm installing an older update and it wants the newer one back).

    I've tried injecting the update with horizon into the game, into the profile and into the specific progress save as well as into the cache in Xex and even putting it straight into content/0000000000 under the 000B0000 and 00000002 folders. I can't unlock anything under XM360 as it only appears in the updates folder and not the DLC folder.

    I'm about to throw this thing out the window but I've put so many hours into this now I'm hell bent on getting the thing working.

    Any other suggestions?

    Thank you Kindly.

  3. Thanks Swizzy. That may answer my question as found here: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/6176-lego-dimensions-toy-pad-not-working/

    I believe my kernel version is this: 2.0.17150.0 

    So I go update this as outlined in your link http://forum.homebrew-connection.org/index.php?topic=144 and Lego Dimensions should start to use the toy pad properly?(looks rather daunting for someone like me, I guess I have no choice!)


  4. I too have been trying to solve this since Christmas day.

    I have an old XBOX 360 that started to crash and began constantly lighting up the red circle of death so I gave up and bought a pre-modded one earlier this year.

    I tried lego dimensions in the old non-modded console to see if it's just the toy pad as it will run for about 10 mins before it crashes. Happily I discovered the pad does indeed light up and change colors etc.

    One of the first things the game did before getting too far was forcing an update (contained on the disc as neither console is on XBOX Live or the internet for that matter). After this the pad was working and I could proceed to play the game (until the game crashed as expected).

    So clearly what's not happening here is this initial update (TU1?) is not permitted to do its thing.

    So my question is how is it that this has not affected all jtag users and more importantly how can this initial update be allowed to take place?

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