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Everything posted by xxkrazdmofoxx

  1. Hello I just revived to update my dash board I was wondering what happens if I click download on the Xbox?
  2. I am on the newest kernel How do I check game data? I thought it might be missing a file but I've copied the cd 4 times and downloaded to different ISO's
  3. Hello I've had this trouble for quite some time Every TU under 8 works except 8 I am 110% sure that TU8 is selected but EVERY dll I get a always says disc unreadable eveytime
  4. I put a new unbanned kv on to udpflash.bin using flash 360 then went into simple 360 flash and pressed "A" to flash the nand, then the jtag shut off and every time I turn it on it doesn't cycle the four rings and nothing comes up on the TV Ps xell works
  5. I haven't tried either?Sorry I'm a bit of a noob with this stuff
  6. My bad sorry.I've waited an hour? Date has always been 2015?
  7. Neither it's just loading? No dlc? I'm trying now with no TU?
  8. I have intalled then reinstalled from an actually cd and downloaded about 3 different ISO's but nothing changes it always just goes to the loading screen but never loads I have put everything from the content folder from disc 1 onto my hdd what am I doing wrong?
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