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About fjcuenase

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  1. First of all, good work, Aurora is awesome! I've just installed it and it has impressed me. After installing Aurora 0.5b and configuring my external hdd everything was OK. But, after restarting Aurora, games were darker (unabled). I checked the path of the hard drive and found that it was appearing as disconnected. Analising the databases to see how Aurora is configured (content.db and settings.db), I found that every device has a DeviceId, every one except the external hd, which is empty. Then, I checked the configuration in Freestyle's databases (content.db and settings.db) and found that my external HD has the following ID: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (this is the exact id). Maybe this is the reason why the id is saved as an empty value in the database. P.S: Playing around to make it work, I inserted the id manually in both databases. Aurora still doesn't enable the games and shows the harddisk as disconnected. I tried with an invented Id in both databases, but I got the same result. In a final effort, I changed the path of every game with a sql query, concatenating the VirtualRoot to complete the path of every game, but it didn't work either. I hope this information is useful to improve Aurora. Regards.
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