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About rfdahnaf91

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman

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  1. Please help me......torrent links are preferable! Thanks in Advance.....
  2. Yes....i have tried all the things mentioned in the tutorial...... but it is still not giving me a message like it should give....
  3. i am using Xbox 360 slim and a Corona V2 motherboard. Currently i am in Kernel 17150. The avatars are not updating and i cannot play kinect. Please help. I tried many things. But it is just not happenning....
  4. Help.... My avatar Update is not happenning.

  5. Please help me.... I cant change my fan speed in Aurora 0.5b. The console overheats. So i have to go to FSD to start the fan. After going to FSD once the fan starts spinning. (SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH)
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