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Posts posted by Yovel

  1. you get your weather key from worldweather


    you go into FSD settings, put in your key, then put in your post code/zip code, choose your locale after that then save. that's it.

    edit:I tried both APIKEYS and none work

  2. When I want to lunch xmplayer via xelluncher it shows black screnn and I have to reboot the XBOX to return.

    And when its via dashlunch, the XM does endless loading.


    And about the avatar 

    My dash is 16203

    And when I enter to customize avatar it says I need update regardless the new dashboard.

    • Like 1

  3. As I said, it doesn't need to be an official.


    If you want to play xbox orginals, you need an internal hard drive.



    You just need this... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HARD-DISK-DRIVE-HDD-Case-FOR-MICROSOFT-XBOX-360-Slim-/281130497440?pt=UK_Video_Games_Cables_and_Adaptors&hash=item4174aef5a0


    and a 2.5" SATA hard drive to put inside it, close the case, slide into your slim xbox, and format it :)


    That's it.

    Ohhhh I see what you ment

    Thank you :thumbup:  :thumbup:

  4. I'm guessing you mean 4GB internal memory? that is a flash card attached to your motherboard.

    You need an internal hard drive, it doesn't need to be an official hard drive.


    I've a custom hard drive size in my RGH ( I think most of us on this forum do ), all you need is a xbox 360 slim hard drive caddy + a hard drive, the size, any size you can afford :)


    Where I am, £50 gets me 1TB, £40 gets me 640GB/500GB, £30 gets me 250GB + Caddy (£5 from china)




    Just a sec

    You mean that I need to buy a XBOX offical HDD and another hard drive and just replace the parts?

  5. xbox orginal games (ie classic xbox) can only be played from a hard drive... well the hard drive is required for the saved games.


    If you convert the game to GoD it must be played from an internal hard drive, If you don't convert to GoD you should be able to load the game from a USB Hard drive.


    But the game or any other classic xbox games will not operate without an internal HDD


    The internal HDD is also needed for the compatibility files


    I have my 4GB HDD when I got the xbox (360 slim)

    Isnt that enough?

    And I use a USB HDD (with all the other games) whats the diffrence?

  6. once you add them as a friend then search user list to find where they are on http://link.jqe360.com/ then u can see what there playing and what room they are in there aint no fancy shit that pops up everytime they are online you have to look for them

    But wont it be sick if it was like this???


    anyway thanks

  7. nothing you cant send your xbox into their room from system link (middle button) you have to go looking for them via jqe.com then if there is room u can move your xbox to their room then wait for them to join you or u join their game

    does that help you

    You mean that if I do the ''add friend'' thingnothing happend?

  8. Your xbox shoots confetti out all over the place, trumpets sound and a parade of elephants walk down the street :thumbsup:

    that's what happens when I like them as a friend on my xbox. why what does yours do?

    Mine is shooting lasers all over the sky and music starts to play Your'e Xbox is better  :unsure: Now can we be more serious?

  9. My money is on your default.xex not being clean (as such the TU will not be applied). Google xbox360iso default xex files and download the default.xex for Halo Reach. Then you should be good to go.

    I said I already did it

  10. I have 2 discs in my FSD (I called them disc 12)

    And the game does not aske me for the HD download







    And If you can help me in my SR4 problem too (hot topic)

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