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About papermanzero

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    RMS Freshman
  1. Googled a little bit about the bluethooth implementation. The bluetooth stack wouldn't be the problem, the problem would be the driver for the usb stick. The drivers for some sticks must be implemented to get bluethooth compatibility and only these sticks will be compatible.So I answered the question myself. It's too much effort to maintain drivers and implement a stack.
  2. Hi everyone, I hope this is the correct forum. I have a question and I would like to know if this is feasible with the X360. More and more emulators are coming to the Xbox360. But unfortenutelly the 360 Pad is not always the best choice for classic games (e.g. for SNES, Genesis or Gameboy). My question is, if it's possible to add support for bluetooth USB sticks to connect PlayStation or Wii controllers. I know there is the possibility to use Cronus. But Cronus has several disadvantages. In order to run different console equipment on the 360 (like Wii Classic Controller), you need a wired 360 controller to get a connection. Another disadvantage is that you can only use one Cronus for one controller. This is especially for multiplayer games a big limitation. The idea is to have a bluetooth stack for 360 homebrew which is working with bluetooth USB devices (maybe with lwBT). What do you think?
  3. So I found a workaround by myself. I have to enable the status bar during boot and afterwards I have to select refresh artworks in the option menu.However it would be great if the automatic update can be fixed.
  4. Hi everyone, I updated from Freestyle Dash 2.2 to 3.0b Rev483 In 2.2 all covers, banners etc. were downloaded correctly (after adding a new game to the library/game folder) and integrated into Freestyle Dash.In 3.0 the behavior is different: If I add a new game folder the data (cover, banner etc.) will be downloaded correctly. But any game which will be added into the same game folder later will be ignored (so I have to download manually the covers, the description, the banner etc. from the marketplace). Means, all games which are added after the first installation of freestyle dash must be configured manually (description, cover, banner, ...) I am still using the Classic NXE List Style. Is this an known bug? Is there a workaround or solution?I also tried a complete fresh installation without success. So it seems Freestyle 3.0 is downloading the game data once.A proposal would be to add a Reload Data button in the option menu (Y Button during game selection).So the data for a certain game can be reloaded if the first download was not correct or was disturbed.
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