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Everything posted by sombroff

  1. I admit in China internet works not so good (i can sometimes manage to download at 3mo/s, but I can also spend 1 minute to open normal websites, and of course many websites will never open here such as facebook, and the ms ping in mmorpg is just awful lol), I am always under vpn with my laptop, I am even surprised the internet features on my xbox360 and wii and 3ds can work without vpn. And yes it's xhttp, not https, I wrote it wrong in the forum, but it was correct in the file. Anyway thanks for your answer, and actually I have just found THE solution somewhere else on this forum, and it works like a charm, but maybe have to do that twice because I already did it before to write my initial post and it was not working, but now I did exactly those steps below one by one and it works: Settings - Content Scanning - Disable autoscan - Remove old paths - Re add path - Scan now Now I just have to change my habits (compare to fsd), for exemple the filters to display only xbla, check if the switch dvd plugin still works (or maybe even no need now), and the more important to check if now there will be zero freeze, and it will be PERFECT ^^
  2. Hello, I come from FSD3 where everything worked fine, except some freezes of my xbox360 when I was browsing too many games before to play, it's why I have installed aurora, I hope here there will be no freeze at all. So I have check google for already 1 hour, I still don't know at all what's wrong. The games are there, I can launch them from aurora, I can also refresh them one by one, and the background picture and synopsis are downloaded and appears correctly, but there is zero cover, i have tried few games (alice, assassin creed 3, etc). And the button Download from download missing assets does absolutely nothing. I can connect to unity website, seems API key request works fine too (the same is displayed in the unity website settings and the xbox). I have aldo change the directory path, auto scan, scan depth, re install aurora. Here is my launch.ini in the root directory of the external usb hard disk: I hope someone can help me, anyway congratulations for the Aurora team, it's good to have an up to date dashboard for our xbox 360 ^^ EDIT : after have tried more than 10 games, there is finally one who have one cover, Disney Bolt, I really don't undertand what's wrong, and also it's not convenient to refresh them one by one, while this bug is fixed maybe it's better I go back to fsd but just remove some games from hard disk to avoid freezes EDIT 2 : I have check on http://xboxunity.net/ if the covers are there, and they are there, then I have click 'push to your xbox', and refresh again on the xbox, and now the cover appears.... but once again it's very not convenient to have to do in this way for each game
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