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Posts posted by Al1ens

  1. What does it do? Does it stop the extremely weird ball mechanics? You know, when a ball's momentum keeps on going for three days after you strike it.

    Not dissing the tu, but get Pool nation instead. No red and yellow Brit balls, but much better physics to make it a realistic game.

  2. I know you probably can't be bothered now, but have you ever thought of doing a state of decay with dlc aurora trainer?

    From my ancient perspective, the only thing thing missing from this great game is god mode, unlimited ammo and full weapons.

    Not really a request, more a hopeful long shot. If you don't ask, you don't get etc...

  3. Nice script. Should be useful. A lot of game walkthroughs come in txt format so now it's possible to stick them in a folder for easy access on the console. No running off to the pc when you get stuck in a game.

    If it ever worked via the hud, when a game was running, it would be the cherry on the icing on top of the cake.

  4. Listen, you said you have the game installed on your console, right, so why piss about with converting apps and more downloads when you already have the game? It doesn't work and asks for an update because you don't have the packs needed. That is all. Just like you've been told repeatedly in this thread.

    It's a problem faced by many before. Seriously, just check out one of the existing blops3 threads on this site and install the bloody compatibility packs.



    Available dlc inc packs for blops 3

    15 Vials Of Liquid Divinium + 2 Bonus Vials
    56 kB

    1239 MB

    Compatibility Pack 1 *⁴
    1839 MB

    Compatibility Pack 2 *⁴
    33 MB

    The Giant Zombies Map
    610 MB

    *⁴ The Compatibility Pack DLC's are patched a.k.a. 'nuketown-fixed' by Justeve for playing online on LiNK. Install the latest TU before playing!

    • Like 1

  5. 3 hours ago, Vastilordez said:

    the two versions of the app i got is having issues... am tired already... guess i wld give up. i actualy have COD 3 blackops JTAG version installed on my console ...however, it requires me to download an update from xbox live. Anyways thank you for responding.

    Have you done as people have directed you to, and installed all compatibility packs in the correct folder?

    You can download and convert isos until the end of time and they will never work unless you do what you've been told.

    • Like 1

  6. I've already said it was nice, but whether I'm going to download it or not, which I won't, it doesn't change the fact you mad a bad error of judgement by naming your skin the same as a very popular pre existing one.

    I don't think it's cool to ride on the coat tails of others, at least without a name check at the very least, but clearly you have no problem with it, so well done, if you want to be known as the guy who ripped off the steamos skin name and didn't give a damn about it, that's your call. Great way to get remembered. :clap:

    • Like 2

  7. Sure the original isn't compatible yet, but then 0.6 has only been out a few days, and he may be planning to release an update of his own. All you've done is just confuse the issue with your skin.

    Simply, as it already existed and pre-dates yours, I think you shouldn't have used the steamos name, and used a bit of imagination to come up with your own alternative instead.

    • Like 3

  8. Just to add some extra info, I was using a 320gb Verbatim usb drive that was almost instantly recognised by Aurora upon booting, now I have a 1TB Seagate expansion, which is great at transferring games from my pc with usb3, yet it takes 15-20 seconds before it' gets recognised on first boot. I don't mind at all.

    With all the extra games I have stored on it, making use of the larger drive capacity and transfer speed, I'm quite happy to accept and trade off a bit of load up lag.

    What a world we live in  :sorcerer:

    • Like 1

  9. People have had games, that they played once and deleted again, but still have TU or DLC. They don't need it. But they need space and speed. :=

    After deleting the game through Aurora's games screen, Y on selected game, scroll to bottom, move left to delete, I manually remove the corresponding game folder in content 000~0000 via the file manager.

    Never had an issue doing it this way.

  10. No it's not a failure. Mine does it too.

    I believe the only way the time will be current is if you leave your xbox on 24/7, or when it's connected to your internet/router.

    Don't let it bother you too much though, just enjoy all those games and dlc :thumbup:

    • Like 1

  11. Don't forget to change your launch ini to reflect the move to Aurora, otherwise we'll see you back here in a right old state.

    After transferring over Aurora to your HD, set the path using the latest dashlaunch, if you have it installed, or manually alter the default launch in the ini file.

    • Like 1

  12. Well, we had a good run with the 360, so a moment of silence for my best ever games console to date. Thanks for the memories.

    At least with Aurora and a few good sites, we don't have to let you rest in peace just yet.

    As much as I want new Halos, I've enough content on my jasper to tide me over 'til the xbox1 gets jtagged and I'm all over it.

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