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Everything posted by Djirko

  1. Removed scan path and added it again. This solved my issue, covers were downloaded with current config.
  2. Here is my new launch configuration, but i still have the same problem When i hit "Download Assets" nothing happens, its says IDLE in the upper right corner and thats it.
  3. Hello, decided to switch over to Aurora from Freestyle3. And faced a problem, that no game covers shows up. I tried "Dowload missing assets" function, but it still doesnt do anything. Im sure there are no problems with my internet connection, because F3 downloads all covers just fine. What could it be? Im using Aurora 0.4b. Here is my dashlaunch config:
  4. Hello, on my last RGH install i used Freestyle2 and now i tried the Freestyle3. The version of F3 is 483, dashlaunch is 3.06 and the kernel is 16202. On the last install i used F2, Dashlaunch 3.06 and 15574 kernel. The shortcut buttons were working perfectly, but with this install its not. All the configurations are the same as the last time, but shortcuts isint working this time. Even the RB button, which should boot to NXE doesnt work. The configuration is like this: [Paths] BUT_X = HDD:Content0000000000000000C0DE999900080000C0DE99990F586558 Default = HDD:FreeStyle3default.xex Did something change in F3 or 16202 dasboard, because i use same dashlaunch.
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