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Everything posted by wootzored

  1. I have tried to both actually; USB0 and USBMU0 but obviously this doesnt work and you need a new HDD. I think it's weird that MS forces you to buy new hardware if you buy a new game.
  2. If I buy a new slim harddrive will I have to reinstall FSD 3 or will I be able to put the content/0000000000000 folder on the new slim harddrive and advanced warfare will work?
  3. I use a regular FTP client to transfer my files from windows to the drives in FSD 3. A hidden folder you say..... maybe the content folder is one of them hidden ones.... so maybe it will show up if I use another tool? I have enabled "Show hidden files" in my FTP client BTW.
  4. But according to microsoft you can buy a 16gb flash drive to play such games? So it should be possible with a 16gb flash drive, yes? I mean if you buy an xbox 360 slim 4gb and then they release a game that requires more GBs then they surely cant tell their customers "sorry, but you're out of luck!" ?!
  5. I had a USB stick lying around and I configured it under "Storage Deviced" and now it says it's a "Memory Unit". I put the content disk inside of the content/0000000000 but the game still wont play?
  6. I have a "Microsoft Xbox 360 Slim 4GB". Does this mean I am screwed? :-(
  7. I want to try this from the beginning. So first I ran a sfv checker - both disk are OK. I unrared both. Now I have the .iso for both disks. Since this is the first time a install one of theses games with two disks where one is the gamedisk and the other is the contentdisk Im not really sure what to do next since like I was saying dont have a content/000000000 on my external hdd. Perhaps my FSD 3 isnt properly installed/configured? A guy who I no longer have any contact with helped me install FSD 3. I later updated to version 3.0b Rev 775 which I believe is the latest version? What would you guys with more experience do next?
  8. My internal disk has only 1gb left. 4gb in total i think. So can't install it there. But the internal is the only drive that has the content/00000000000 folder. I can't find that folder on my hdd where i have all my other games.
  9. Hmm I created a new USBMU on a 15gb USB stick and it gave it the name USBMU1. I moved the content/00000000...... folder to USBMU1, added the path to the content/0000... folder, ran a manuall rescan , ran the game but it still gives me that error message (?). Is it possible to use the same USB HDD drive for the content/00000... folders? Or do I need a completely different one? Also, how exaclty do you create this USBMU?
  10. I have put the content folder on my usb0 root and the iso2god folder in my games folder but when I run the game in FSD 3 it gives me the error message: The game couldn't start. Try downloading the game again. I can download TUs with no problem. I downloaded TU update 2 which was the latest available. I think I'm not putting the folder(s) in the right place? I have a /OnBoardMU/Content/0000000000000000/ folder that I have not used before since this is the first two-disc game I installed. (All the other games I just create a GOD image and put it in my games folder) but it seems that FSD wants me to put the game there instead of in usb0 but /OnBoardMU has only 1GB free space left so the game content wont fit. Is there a way to tell FSD to look in my usb0 instead or I am doing something totally wrong here? Any clues/pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
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