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Everything posted by Scoo

  1. Add This game Please... TitleId: 58411212 Thanx!
  2. Scoo

    Top Spin 3

    You're right! There is no systemlink in top spin 3
  3. HI! We have a problem with the Frontlines: Fuel of War TU3. Our media ID is: 130DAC2E Your media ID is: 63616460 We tried to upload the TU3, but it didn't work. Please, upload this TU: https://mega.co.nz/#!w51SRZIb!QYLB_ANIP8UgFbnrfYvORATC6gl_oZUMayPGJ31AaRU Thank you!
  4. Scoo

    Section 8 - Prejudice

    I do not want to disturb you. Maybe today?
  5. Scoo

    Section 8 - Prejudice

    "Section 8 - Prejudice" XBLA game has systemlink (Main->Extra->Systemlink), but isn't supported by Link. Can you make a room for it? Thank you!
  6. Thank you! It works great!!!!! You're the best!
  7. Scoo

    Harms Way

    I found this little xbla racing game. It has systemlink, but hasn't got room in the Link. Can you make a room for it, if you have time someday? Thank you!
  8. TittleID: 4B4E0841 There isn't TU for this game. We have the game from the same source. We join the public room 1, but still Users 0 and Players: 0 of 32 We try host anyway, but it didn't work. So, we go back to the fsd2 and try it on xbslink. The game works fine and the microphone too.
  9. There is somthing wrong with the room. If we join the room we can't see nobody in the room. The game is good and working on Xbslink.
  10. "Jimmie Johnson's Anything With An Engine" has systemlink, but isn't supported by Link. Will it change in the future? (stupid question ) Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nmk1emo8xcqpukz/20130108_115353.mp4
  11. Scoo


    I'am happy and grateful. I just want to help Maybe they don't even know it.
  12. Scoo


    Thanx. Off: Today we will try an old (?) game, the Jimmie Johnson's Anything with an Engine If it is true, it has got systemlink (video: 5:22 - "Local systemlink events"), but hasn't got room in Link. If it will work on Xbslink, can you make a room for the game?
  13. Scoo


    Originally, the Split/Second hasn't got systemlink. But I see it in the Link's Room list. What is the truth? Thanx.
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