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Everything posted by XVO

  1. OK allmost have it up and running, but when i try to pick a server on borderlands 2 my xbox crashes and it shutdown. I'm running the latest beta update and have downloaded the latest TU. Anyone? fixed: didn't know that you can't change server while searching for a game..... ;-) still new to this side of the scene.
  2. Solved: I needed to put in a static DNS instead of automatic.
  3. well actually all my systems have a static 10.0.0.something adress. And I was able to download covers for my games. My other 360 also have and I can still play online.
  4. I have the same problem as some peeps here. check this out the picture , I know that some peeps also can't get past this screen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ov8tk065iurh62c/screenshot.20130105202646549.png I've opened both ports, but they keep on failing. (also tried other ports) I've tried multiple accounts but it keeps on authenticating. So no go for me. Does anyone know a solution? and is there some kind of way to check if the server is up and running?
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