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Posts posted by andrewrich

  1. I'm not impatient and Yes informing you that many are migrating to next gen I'm asking a question guy found her one way dde impatient I'm sorry I didn't mean to make that question be in this sense.

    Mate its because this question has been asked and answered so many times now they getting sick of seeing it, if you had had a read of the site you would know this already

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

    • Like 2

  2. No Its More Like I Just Need A Start And Someone Who Can Teach Me What Scripting Code To Use

    Mate if you don't even know where to begin then i can pretty much say that you have not got the skills to make one you will meed to learn a hell of a lot just so you could even understand what people were telling you, and know one will have the time to walk you through it step by step

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

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  3. I Really Needs Help I Was Updating My Dashboard And I have Checked Retail Insted Of Checking Freeboot RGH 2 And I Have Flashed The Nand Via Xell Reloded And Whn I Boot The Console It Doesn't Boot into Dashboard Of Xell Please Help :( :(

    You have posted the same question in 3 different threads, please stick to 1 thread

    You will need to reflash your console with correct kernel and a flash tool like nandx etc

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

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  4. Couldn't you put like a "Report Bug" or "Report Issue" on XYZM? Like, OK...let's say it happens, I want to download a trainer (obviously from the Xbox and that would be nice :)) for Halo 3. It's finished downloading, I try it out, but it doesn't work. "Crap! I'm gonna have to let them know it doesn't work properly." I go onto the XYZMods website I type in Halo 3 (or unless you make like a button or something that way it's more noticeable on page.) And I type what the problem is.

    However, I think the best way to do it, would be to have multiple trainers (that are the same.) But for each title update. As there are ones made and updated for specific TU. (Oh this part I was referring to the Xbox itself...downloading wise.)

    Only way you see this happen is if you do it your self, seems you are an idea man lots of words and want someone else to do the work i suggest you start learning :)

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

  5. On Topic: Could we have the ability to download trainers (Aurora supported only) from the Xbox?

    Off Topic: What format do games (emulator roms) have to be to play on Xbox? I have the complete SNES collection, and I think they're in .bin format. (I never reformatted them.)

    Well speaking as trainer maker can say doubt that will happen we need threads on the forum so bugs and such Can be ironed out also it brings visitors to the site and give devs rep etc, also would take a lot more work for the trainer devs and to be brutally honest i don't want any extra work,

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

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  6. You would extract the files you need from gtav rpf files with liberty v tool then edit them to your liking and then inject them back into to rpf, Or you can search out the values you find on the extracted files on the xbox360 and poke them to your liking, there are a few ways it can be done i just mention 2

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

  7. I like to use trainers a lot when playing games on my console. Unfortunately sometimes trainers are made for either a different Media ID or even once in awhile a different Title ID than what I have. When that happens, I try and track down the correct default.xex for the trainer. However, when I transfer the new default.xex to the game folder, Aurora doesn't realize there is a new Media ID and/or Title ID so the trainer won't show up in Aurora. What is the easiest/quickest way to do make Aurora realize there has been a change? Is there an easy way to remove the game from Aurora without deleting the game folder so I can just rescan the path? Just rescanning does nothing.

    Move the game to a different folder or rename the folder with file manger then delete the game in aurora, then put the game back and rescan

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

  8. Just installed got to say quite impressed kicks ass off windows 8 and is a little faster than win 7 in tests i done so far

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

  9. That suck... Aurora is like a crapped down version of FSD with all features removed and now they make us finally to have to go with Aurora.

    I won't ever use Aurora, Why did you even do it, grrrr...

    Can't someone please mod FSD to accept the new XboxUnity connection + API?

    Get with the times mate fsd is no where near as good as aurora

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

  10. Could you be more specific I really didn't understand anything

    Try adding. ".iso" to the end of the file no quotes and try extract it with exiso.exe,,

    If that does not work try adding ".rar" or ".7z" to the end of the file and try extract with winrar and 7zip

    Sent from the race car behind ricky bobby.

  11. using fsd ...i have not any idea about dashlauch i am using or not how can i recognize it

    Does your console boot straight to fsd or do you start fsd from xex ?

    If your console boots straight to fsd then you have dash launch installed if your console does not boot straight to fsd and instead boots straight to nxe eg original dash then chances are its not installed.

    Either way you can still choose second option i mentioned as it will work either way.

    why not just download dashlaunch and install it, as if you have already got it installed it will get updated and if not it gets installed, win, win.

    there loads of tuts and such explaining how to install should be one on here if you look, if not google is your friend just google dashlaunch install tutorial i sure one will pop straight up.

    You can download the newest version of dashlaunch from this site or from homebrew connection site

    • Like 1

  12. Why do they have two different hashes

    It is irritating and i would also delete double stuff just like in code.

    Don't know mate just download first test see if it work if it don't download the other, is not exactly a big problem

    Sent from my fingers

  13. how can i update to aurora

    Download aurora extract the folder and put it on your console hdd, the set path to aurora.xex in dash launch and it will load up the same way fsd does.

    If you are not using dash launch the just copy the folder to your console and start aurora.xex from xmenu or what ever you are using to launch xex with

    Sent from my fingers

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  14. so i gave my mate my xbox a while ago as he moved some where out in the boons with no internet and he had a problem launching games from FSD but they work fine from the xbox menu so it wasnt really a problem for him, now that ive got it back its driving me nuts. ive tried using the updater in FSD but it couldnt do thing thing

    ive been out of the jtag loop for a 6-8months so i dont know if theres been a new FSD update

    Dash 3.0b rev 775

    Kernel 2.0.13747.0

    any info on what i should/need to do would be awesome

    probably should start with updating my xbox dash now that ive written this all out

    Updating your dashboard and dash-launch would be a good place to start,

    FSD is no longer being worked on so there will be no new updates coming out for that, how ever there is a new dash called aurora that is being worked on i highly recommend updating to that instead of using the out dated fsd as its just much better all round in my opinion, you can find it on the site just search aurora 0.4b

    Sent from my fingers

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  15. Hi Everyone,

    two Aurora newbie.

    1. how to use or install Trainer in Aurora?

    2. what is the proper way to control the temp or fan speed?

    1) make a folder inside the aurora folder called Trainers then copy the downloaded trainer into it, eg the file path would look like this below.


    2) there are no setting in aurora for fan speeds you would have to use dashlaunch to control them or build them in to your nand before flashing your console

    Sent from my fingers

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  16. Oh no, i replaced the 10K Ohm 1% resistor with a 10K Ohm 0.1% resistor, and it still doesn't boot like it should. And this was the resistor with the lowest tolerance i could find. Something seems to have changed though, cause now it doesn't boot when i take the RF board out, but it does boot all the time when i place my tumb on the points of the RF board. ( within 20 sec. up to 1 min. max.).

    Isn't there any way of reproducing that situation (thumb on RF)? Don't care if it is not perfect, as long as it works.

    Is it your thumb making a connection or is it the pressure of your thumb on the RF that is making it work maybe you have a bad connecter that the Rf slots into, just pulling a straws but worth shot try using something non conductive to add pressure were you would of had your thumb see if it boots if nothing else you rule something else out

    Sent from my fingers

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  17. Might have been in a PM tho, i'll have to look tomorrow, if it was a PM, i'll post it here as it's i guess kinda good for the public to have... if memory serves me right

    This be what you talking about i think

    The .asset files are a very custom format of image that essentially breaks down to being a D3Dx9 texture memory snapshot saved as a binary.

    This is the key component that allows us to have the really fast load times. We can basically load the file directly into video memory, and a direct3d texture is created and ready to use.

    If you want some insight in how that works, you can check out AtgPackedResource if you have access to the SDK as its using a similar method.

    Personally, i would just redownload the artwork- lol

    Sent from my fingers

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