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Everything posted by vurushi

  1. vurushi

    No TUs found

    Aurora have a similar file manager like FSD? (to copy easy games for USB to HDD and to play games on disc)How to install Aurora 0.5 on 360?
  2. vurushi

    No TUs found

    So i must leave FSD and change to Aurora . I want to look like this http://postimg.org/image/zcx2tsbrj/ (aurora home?) (sorry for the weak image)
  3. vurushi

    No TUs found

    I want to play games on system link and i need to download Title Updates but when i go to "manage title updates" at "download TUs" then i go to HDD1 and shows me "no updates found" .This happens at any game. I am connected with Wi-Fi. (I use an old JQE360 account)
  4. Thank you guys! Now my game works!
  5. Can you give me a link where i can download this update for kinect?
  6. I have updated my 360 in november 2014 with kernel 17150. But my kinect is not updated. My xbox is have the newest kernel.
  7. "This game requires a system update " I donwloaded 2 TU7 , I extrected the rebuild ISO!
  8. So... I must extract the rebuild ISO then Install TU7? I HAVE FSD D: !
  9. I downloaded Call of duty advanced warfare for 360 but the game is in spanish! How to change the language from spanish to english? I dont want to download the game again!
  10. I need a website where I can download games for xbox 1 and xbox 360 (except gamestorrents.com or piratebay).
  11. Where to put files from xbox1? I am not an expert in English.
  12. I downloaded NFSUG2, i extracteed without problems but when i open it says:" Game Error" and lead me to NXE. This game is for Xbox classic console. How to play this game?
  13. vurushi


    I formatted the HDD 2 times. First time i formatted only. The second time i formatted and i changed the format to FAT32 (the 8th post) and now works normal. Sorry to have bothered you that all day!
  14. vurushi

    Clear data

    Please help me!!! I can't delete the game paths! I need you !
  15. vurushi


    Only game saves and my xbox account are installed in internall memory but now e71 is dead because i formatted the HDD with PC!
  16. vurushi

    Clear data

    In content settings->mange game paths The paths are still there! Need help!
  17. vurushi


    FSD is in internal memory. A friend modded my xbox.
  18. vurushi

    Clear data

    If i go to General Settings->reset settings->Clear Data i will keep the files from FSD3? I want to remove only the game paths.
  19. vurushi


    Now, after 2 minutes when i use FSD says: Freestyle3 Crashed
  20. vurushi


    I formatted the HDD with PC in FAT32 then i formatted again with xbox 360. Thank you very much for suggestions.
  21. vurushi


    I formatted the HDD on PC but E71 persist.
  22. vurushi


    Cant connect the hdd to my xbox because will appear the E71 error.
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