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Posts posted by gavin_darkglider

  1. My secret is I am a Link Moderator as well as a moderator on here, and a tester for new versions of aurora. Felida has the same priveleges in public rooms as I do, as he is also a mod on link, and so do most of the staff here. As for being rich, you have that wrong, I am a homeless person at the moment, with absolutly no money in my pocket or bank. I only have the switch, because when I had a job, but was still homeless, my cousin needed rent money, so I got it at a bit of a discounted price....  On top of that, most of the video game systems I have came out of a dumpster, as I live in a college town, and  kids throw stuff away. You dont need to be rich to have nice thngs, you just need to look in the right trash can. How do you think I got good at modding stuff? I needed to fix stuff that I found, had a bit of a brain, did some research,  and now I know more than most, so I try to share that knowledge.

    And since I shared the knowledge, and was doing nothing better, I was asked to moderate here by one of the lead members of Phoenix, as I was posting all the time anyway, and the information was good. From there, I wrote the cheat manager, pushed to get retroarch supported in aurora, and helped with testing Swizzy's asset manager for aurora. After doing all of that I was asked to be a tester for aurora, like a year later, and during the final phase of testing aurora 0.7b updater all of the testers were given elevated priveleges on link, as we needed to host test updates seperatly, so we werent pushing bad updates to regular people. With that came full link moderation. That is the quick and dirty version of how one can kick anyone from a public room on link. 

    • Sad 1

  2. On 3/6/2019 at 7:14 PM, Fabrolo said:

    It's possible to upload your own background and cover via USB? That will give even MORE personalization to the games for sure.

    Maybe It's late BUT better later than never...

    kind regards to everyone.

    Wow, find some decent information. We are now on Aurora 0.7b this is ancient in Aurora time. lol. You can find a complete changelog through the revisions here:http://phoenix.xboxunity.net/#/news

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  3. Are you sure there is actually a server running on the xbox for you to connect to? Run a portscan directed at your xbox that is giving issues, and see. Also, if aurora isnt working, Xexmenu, and dashlaunch(with a plugin) can also provide FTP access.

  4. You obviously dont realize you can spoof the region in dashlaunch without having to modify the nand. 

    you just have to set the desired region, and enable region spoof, then hold down RB when launching the game.

    From https://www.xpgamesaves.com/threads/dash-launch-in-depth-explanation-and-set-up.50001/ :

    Region Spoof:
    If enabled, holding RB during title launch will cause the region to be spoofed to the title for it's duration. Just as it says. With this option enabled, holding RB when you launch a game that's region is different than your console's it will spoof it to believe your console's region is the same.

    The region applied when RB is held on title launch and Region Spoof is enabled. If you have Region Spoof enabled, this is the region your console will be spoofed as when holding RB.

    • Thanks 1

  5. 12 hours ago, felida said:

    the ftp program doesn't matter really.. as long as it is the correct transfer method, use binary transfer.. 

    if that file was just simply a picture for background, then yea you can rename it mate.. if it is a GAME file.. you need to take the "extracted" version, which isnt a "GoD" but often labeled a "jtag rip", and convert it. there are around 5 to 10 games that have longer file names and can not be used in the extracted version due to the 42 char limit on the xbox. 

    They can if you use an external usb drive, just not on the XTAF filesystem of the 360hdd, or memory cards. 

  6. For videos, I would look on youtube. For that you will want to know what type of hack you are doing, and what chip you are using. They all do the same thing, but they use different pads, and designs on the board for the same signals, so each chip is sleightly different. Also, every console is sleightly different, so what works well on one might not work well on another of the same revision. So to begin, you will need to know the motherboard type, the glitch chip type, the ram type(If motherboard is coronaV5/V6), the Nand size(eg 4gb corona, 256/512mb jaspers, dont worry about 4gb trinity boards, as the memory space is an expansion module), and the hack type.

    Once you have this information, you will need the required hardware, depending on your use case.(TX 4gb read/write kit, nand-x, jr-programmer, there are other options, but these are the better ones), soldering iron(obviously), etc.

    Then find a video on youtube for that hack type, and board. EG search for: trinity S-RGH install, or trinity Project muffin install..... There are a ton of options, and as if now, TX is working on releasing an official update to j-runner to add support for these new methods nativly, and to fix the issues that came when the servers went down.

    • Thanks 1

  7. On 2/14/2019 at 6:52 PM, Beta2 said:

    Is Aurora still under development?

    If so is there a page with the expected and new features.

    When can we expect a update if at all?




    On 2/14/2019 at 8:02 PM, felida said:

    Yes, no, tba..


    I will amend that and say yes, yes(But not available to the public), and as always when we feel it is ready.

  8. Direct Zip file download of Master:


    Download using git

    git clone https://github.com/XboxUnity/AuroraScripts.git

    Those are your choices for downloading frome github. the first option is probably easier, if you dont use github regularly. 

  9. You dont have nova loaded, probably because you launched FSD first. All Link related stuff is handled with Nova, and the Freestyle plugin from FSD is no longer a part of Aurora, so having it loaded in the background will cause Nova to fail to load. You can either change your default dash, or unload the freestyle plugin in FSD before starting Aurora.

  10. Because the DB uses the partition UUID to keep track of drives, so copying the aurora folder will copy the data, but then it looks for the data on the old drive when it loads the DB. You need to change the uuid for the partition in the db, then it should work. I am not going to write a guide on this, but will tell you that you need to plug the HDD into a computer, and then to run a tool like partedmagic to get the UUID..... There is probably a tool that works in Windows for this, but I run linux, so...... then you just need to replace that value in the settings.db file using sqlite browser. Save the DB, and put it back on the xbox, and it should work.

  11. On 1/31/2019 at 10:00 PM, felida said:

    why would you think you could? granted we do not support stealth servers.. but original titles never had access to XBL on 360.. 

    Actually, they did, before the original xbox servers got shut down completly in 2009, or so. I dont remember when exactly. lol. I do know that someone kept the halo 2 server online for an extra 6 months, by leaving his xbox on and hosting matches. lol.

  12. When I cracked this shit wide open like 3 years ago, I remember doing a whole write up on it, and felida took that and made the videos. that being said, you open the xur file in xuiworkshop, and then export the file to xui. Do not try to edit it, or anything else. Then in xuitool, you need my fixed extension files, which are with the video. Felida and I put alot of work into getting this information out there for people, and we find it extremely frustrating that people wont watch the video guides that we put together, then want to come ask questions. If you follow the video step by step, it works. That being said, I feel a little bad for cracking this, as 3 to 4 months later, every live hacking service was using hud mods, which isnt why I did it. I just wanted an Aurora Home button in my hud, back when we were still using the FSD plugin. lol. That being said, I am glad that some of my reverse engineering, of the reverse engineering was helpful to someone. lol.

  13. The reason thos emulator is considered "Hacked" is that not only does it remove piracy checks from the emulator, but also allows it to try and run games that dont work to microsofts standards. If the game isnt on the list of approved games from microsoft there is a 50 percent chance it wont run, a 25 percent chance it will run with issues, or will need to be byte patched to use a different emulator profile. and a 25 percent possiblity that microsoft didnt test the game, but it will still work.

  14. 4 hours ago, saywaking said:

    no, that will be needed for escaping/masking as it's Microsoft Filesystem with Backslashes "\"

    Not sure, but maybe it should be something like "Hdd1:\\\\......\\...\\", because like said, it must be escaped, i never tried, do a test on that

    as for the rest of the Code


    • use Debugger: https://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/7564-aurora-network-debugging/
    • check debug.log after crashes (there is one in the Aurora Directories)
    • maybe start with a "hello world" or just " bool FileSystem.FileExists(string path) with a print or a Message Box with the return Value, so you can see if the script works or the first path is really correct and working so you go step by step, instead of starting directly with file Operations.

    PS: this thread should go to https://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/forum/57-skin-development-and-lua-scripting/

    It's not Aurora Support, tho.

    I would write it down but i dont have my 360 currently, and too bad, we can't use the API on PC for Developing.


    I didnt even catch this thread was in the wrong section, that has been fixed. As for the escaping of the backslashes, after hdd1: and usb0: I totally missed as well. I didnt test any of the code I posted as an example as my xbox is in storage. lol. Been busy with my switch. lol.

  15. 9 hours ago, Plasma01 said:

    I just tried and it did not work.
    Even I can not even start the script

    Try doing it like this, there were a few missing simicolons, and I dont know about lua, but true might not equal 1, so we will just say true. I also added some formatting to make it prettier.


    scriptTitle = "The Title"
    scriptAuthor = "Name"
    scriptVersion = 1
    scriptDescription = "Description"
    scriptIcon = "icon.png";
    scriptPermissions = { "filesystem" }
    function main()
    	local xboxMAIN = "Hdd1:\\\\1GTA San Andreas Biohazard\\data\\script\\main.scm";
    	local xboxSCRIPT = "Hdd1:\\\\1GTA San Andreas Biohazard\\data\\script\\script.img";
    	local usbMAIN = "Usb0:\\\\main.scm";
    	local usbSCRIPT = "Usb0:\\\\script.img";
    	FileSystem.MoveFile( usbMAIN, xboxMAIN, true);
    	FileSystem.MoveFile( usbSCRIPT, xboxSCRIPT, true );


  16. 13 hours ago, Shadha said:

    Thanks for the feedback, :D
     doing an online database was a idea from the start, but this is my very first homebrew, i know almost nothing about coding so i am doing what i know, that is a great idea and id love to do it that way, but i would not know where to start, i am mostly playing with XUI and some little coding, i do have a website that i am keeping all the same info as in the app, https://protoplanet.us .. but either way if i get smart enough i will definatly switch to server side :S

    Looked at the history you have, but you are missing all of the stuff about the early days of the SMC hack(JTAG), the work that was done by C4ever(Drive CFWS), RGH by GliGli,  or any of the homebrew developers and apps. For an app that gives you information about xbox 360's that runs on hacked xbox 360's, it seems weird not to at least have some context there, or maybe even some guides. 

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