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Posts posted by Insanity4all

  1. lol I'd say try reading the bottom of the screen and pushing the delete button. Yes you can overwrite, it'll even say something like "Do you wanna overwrite this crap". If you copy it in the official dash, yes it'll be checked(more like error out). You could use NXE2GOD afterwards on the extraction.

  2. Using fsd I'm assuming? hmmm clicking on the type of file to look for, while setting the paths, perhaps? I.E. Xbox360 or automatic. Think there is a box to save the path, too. I often exit out without saving, with new harddrives.

  3. When is the last time you played on link?

    some trouble shooting...

    go to the default skin, make sure Link is enabled, console is tied to JQE account. (Your JQE account, can no longer contain spaces)

    Log into your router, check that your forwarded ports match what you told the box to use. Make sure your box is actually connected on that internal ip and if you have the option reserve the ip for just that box. I have a roommate that likes to steal my assigned IP for wi-fi to play poker, of all things. If he had any sense he'd just go to the boats, where they throw free booze, hotel rooms, and hookers at you. oh I'm sorry they're called "escorts" at the boats. My cheek still hurts :( If all that is gravy. what dashboard are you on?

  4. #1- post n leave huh? Well as long as someone keeps spreading the news, I promise to plague y'all like that itch after a $50 hooker.

    #2- RGH MW2 $165 - sold I'll have another one in two weeks

    RGH Chameleon $175 (avg boot 3-10 secs)

    2 OEM 250gb hard drives $30 each.

    I do have two spare bricks I could part with, so if you need em... $35 will get you a "core" setup...core = power brick, hd a/v cords, used controller.

    4 Optical out adapters to be used with hdmi cords $3

    1 Jtag (white cases), I think they are all SB, fairly certain I'm presently using the only BB I have. r6t3 is removed. No special wiring. If you want some special wiring I'm gonna charge you IDK $20 for pissing me off. :) I don't really want to sell it, so for this reason $280. But I could use some play money. :(

    #3- I only ship to the USA, all 50 states.

    #4- Prices were for consoles only with shipping included.

    #5- Paypal is accepted. I also accept cash in person or my favorite kind of green payment. Marijuana! (Yeah, I once had a customer crazy enough to mail me some weed and a ho-ho inside his box, it was a lovely surprise!) Signature delivery is used, if you fail to sign for/pick up the box from your post office, refunds minus fees and shipping will be given, or you could just pay for the shipping again.

    #6- pictures....

    one of the jtagsPosted Image

    heavily used Chameleon RGH Posted Image

    Looks like I forgot to include a tag in the pic, get over it. I'm not taking the pics again.

    #7- n/a

    #8- pm me I guess, for I'm probably not going to monitor this thread very well.

    #9- Rules are meant to be broken, see rule 6. :)

    #10- I'm gonna blame jpizzle if anything goes wrong. j/k If you prefer a site with feedback I.E fleabay or ioffer, I have/had stores on there can/will post to them for ya, but the more middle men you create the heftier the total price. Especially with fleabay last time I was selling with them their cut was damn near 15 percent. In addition to there constant flagging BS. Please, like anyone really wants to buy a non modded box.

    My prices are fairly set in stone, I'm not interested in haggling unless you're wanting more than just the console by itself.

    I do have 0603 leds and a handful of pics for controller mods, I'll have to hunt them down and post what I have left, in a few days. Rf mod too I guess. $10 leds, $20 controller. This is assuming you're buying the console/controller from me, or taking care of the shipping to/from me. ( I still haven't looked for these, but I think it was a stupid color like yellow, was all that was left when I stopped doing this)

  5. Section 8: Prejudice is an xbla game mate. XM360 should be all you need for it, if you even need it at all. Make sure you placed it into the right file structure.<br /><br />So after you are done playing need for speed, the box crashes and reboots you to dash? Aside from a bit of lag, how would this differ from exiting to dash anyways. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. <img data-cke-saved-src="http://www.realmodscene.com/public/style_emoticons/default/;).gif" src="http://www.realmodscene.com/public/style_emoticons/default/;).gif" class="bbc_emoticon" title=";)" /><br />May help to create an error log.<br />(txt file, named whatever, with dumpfile pointing to it. I.E. hdd:/fuckyouxbox.txt) you'll probably have to manually add it to your launch.ini dashlaunch installer doesn't recognize .txt files for me. BUG BUG BUG<br /><br />and exchandler=true too

    • Like 1

  6. try to do it normally, (Hosting on the retail box) if it fails, disable the ping patch in the dashlaunch. then try to do it normally. And by normally I mean hooking the two boxes up directly with an ethernet cord, or adhoc setup. If the ping patch is removed on the rgh it shouldn't matter which box hosts.

  7. If you go into the MS official dash, you'll have the ability to delete game saves in your System -> storage -> pic a memory unit -> Games and apps.

    I concur though, who wants to travel into that add-ridden dash.

  8. Man I'll sell you an RGH MW2 console (Jasper) 250gb hd for $200 shipping included if you're in the USA. (Yeah I know it's not in the right section, I just don't have the patience to maintain a thread) if you want to do it through a site, you'll be paying their cut too. My ebay id is thexbox360hacker(won't sell modded boxes through ebay, or atleast ones advertised as modded), my ioffer site name is http://insanity4all.ioffer.com/ Throw in another $20 I'll mod the controller too. I'll make sure it's fully updated before it goes out. I don't supply cd's with backup files, but I do supply download links, whether you download them or not would be your problem. My con's- I lack the patience to assist people with a million questions on how to do stuff that goggle can solve.

  9. Dear Steve Ballmer,

    All I can say is if the fracking thing red rings on me within the first year again.... (Three of them in the first year last time, all purchased brand new!) I'll be making a personal appearance at your headquaters, with my full arsenal of weapons I'm not allowed to legally own. And after I'm through with the employees, it's the id's in the pockets to visit the family members.

    ♥ Always


    edit: I'll bet this one earns me a warning post. :)

  10. Set up two static IP addresses in the router's settings, each one individually assigned by each of the 360s' mac addresses.

    Forward ports to each individual box. Make sure you set up Link with the correct ports, that are forwarded to each IP. You can't use 3071 and 3072 for both boxes.

    I.E. I have....



    [th]Service Name

    External Start

    External End

    Internal Start

    Internal End

    Internal I.P.

    Box 1






    Box 2

    Link MW2






    I recommend doing them one at a time. (or when forwarding ports make the service name, something that will clue you to which box it is, my Link mw2 tells me that it's for my mw2 xbox) I tried doing 6 of them at once, while drunk. It was a nightmare. As you can see 1000 and 1001 would work fine for the second boxes ports.

    Edit: Well guess I can't make tables :(

    .....Service Name.....Ext.Start...Ext.End...Int.Start.....Int.End....Int.I.P.

    Box 1 Link 3071 3072 3071 3072

    Box 2 Link MW2 1000 1001 1000 1001

  11. You must compile it yourself. You shouldn't see a xenon.elf for this until it's finished. The betas were released in an attempt to get more devs working with the libxenon. I do believe it was requested that it not be shared with the public until it's finished. But I smoke a lot of weed, so I may be confusing that last statement with something else.

  12. The default xbox art should be what is getting displayed. There is an option, in the default skin settings to enable custom cover downloading. Uncheck it and I'll bet you start downloading the default again. Some of these are as you said, "european". The reason why is simple... People in the western hemisphere are lazy, so lazy we'd rather crack awful momma jokes, do drugs, catch venereal diseases, skip school, etc... than scan our own cover and upload it to the site ourselves. :) Somewhere in the settings menu, there is also an option to change what is displayed between coverflow, to other things like uhhh uhhh uhhh think one's called banners, and like two other options I think. ¿? I like coverflow, the other options also usually load quicker. If you/anyone feels offended after reading this, you can pretend that I'm sorry. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us. If they do, just go kill yourself.

    PS- I'm ashamed to be called an American.

  13. This was posted 4 days ago...


    Says it was for 1.9 I see xubc says they are up to 1.10, Don't know if Bethesda meant to make it for 1.10 How long has 1.9 been out? Maybe 1.10 was a quick fix for something they broke with 1.9. Don't know. Could always send them an email and demand to know or threaten to kill them. This method works very well for me, with getting my email addresses removed from spam lists, especially when you google their office addresses and include it in the email. :) I wouldn't recommend it, if you don't have the balls to defend yourself with lethal force from a couple of traitors/sell-outs/pigs A.K.A. FBI agents when they come to talk to you though.

  14. if jpizzle said to disable it, the correct response is.... YES SIR! :)

    He's one of the lucky ones that knows the secrets(source) behind fsd3. Disable it, which ever XBLA games are no longer working because of it, you can get working again with xm360, yaris, or a manual hex edit of the first two characters to 00.

    edit: But I'll bet if someone went through the change logs of fsd, they'd discover something like yaris patching done on the fly, now. Just guessing.

  15. You could attempt swapping between hdmi and a/v cords, then attempting xell again. Creating many threads is going to get you in trouble. Just so you know, backup files are console specific. Without your cpukey nothing is possible.

    It is possible 'n complicated to create a new image from a donor nand, but before you even begin considering that route, you must know your console's cpukey (boot xell, or reference backup files) along with a few more things(especially for slims) about your consoles present condition. That I'm not going to go into right now. Ability to dump your nand would be helpful too.

    edit: Quit calling your slim a jtag. it irks me!

  16. nope, not mine. I don't own a slim. However, you might be able to use somebody else's, if you take your Ritalin and learn to focus. I have to sleep now. And when you boot xell what happens?


    Contact the store and ask them about backup images. B4 you say it again....

    this is xell....

    shut console off, wait little bit, turn console on by pressing the eject button. What happens?

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