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Everything posted by johnjackson445

  1. Thank you so much man. I looked everywhere but no one talking about webui.
  2. Today I installed MGS 5 ground zeroes to my fsd 3 jtagged xbox 360. As always for game cover, I refresh artwork for automatic cover download and install, it was successful. However, I don't like the game cover: http://xboxunity.net/Resources/Lib/Cover.php?size=large&cid=6479 What I want is: http://xboxunity.net/Resources/Lib/Cover.php?size=large&cid=6482 I enter the xboxunity.net and select that game cover I want and press ''push to xbox'', it said something like ''added to Q''. I restart fsd, but the cover didn't download. I even reboot xbox 360 several times but nothing happened or changed. Now, when I press ''push to xbox'' it say ''Failed - Cover is already in your Q''. Lastly, I tried refresh artwork from game library and downloading begin. When some files downloading, at first the cover I want was showed but later cover changed back to the cover I don't like. Of course I restart fsd to see if it work but it not. Is there a way to change cover or delete the cover and install it manualy? I looked for an answer but I can't find it.
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