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Posts posted by Obveron

  1. Farcry 3: Blood dragon IS XBLA, wether you got it on a disc or not doesn't matter, the disc contains the XBLA title... converting to GOD won't make it magically work,

    Wow I'm such a dumba$$.  Extracted the ISO and got the XBLA folder.  First time I've dealt with XBLA on disc.  GOD format most definitely doesn't work.  Thanks.

  2. Swizzy is it possible to have an option to run a FTP server in background while in a game or app?  I realize this would affect performance (especially on Link), but it could still be a nice option to be FTP'ing some content while playing a simple game or app.  The background ftp server option could be made to turn on only when selected by user, so that it doesn't auto start and steal RAM when you don't want.  It could maybe use the freestyle plugin's memory space, like the user could run the background ftp server plugin or freestyle plugin (not both).

  3. I have the same issue.  As far as I know this is not XBLA.  It's a 7GB iso file, after using iso2god, it's only 1.2GB.  It plays part of the first campaign, then askes to unlock the full game.

    XM360 doesn't even list it (not XBLA?).  360 content manager shows it unlocked.

  4. OK I was mistaken, it's not scanning for new content when autoscan is disabled.  I added new content, and a reboot didn't detect it, I needed to manual "scan now" and my new content appeared.   So it is working as designed, sorry for the false report.

    I thought it was scanning for new content during start up as it lists  a bunch of files being scanned on the splash screen.  but you're right Swizzy it appears to be the title updates (cache and all the 000B0000 folders) that is most significant (over 300 titles here).  The slightly longer dash load time (compared to last version) is certainly not a big issue for me, although if there was an option to not scan title updates in the next version I'd certainly try it out.  

    Thanks for your great support!

    • Like 3

  5. Great release! I love the file manager!


    One minor issue:

    Disabling AutoScan seems to have no effect.  This worked fine on last version.   Now, it is scanning everything everytime Aurora starts, but disabling autoscan doesn't prevent it.  I'd prefer to disable autoscan for faster Aurora start and manual scan if I add content.  Start time has changed from aproximatey 8 seconds (last version autoscan disabled) to aproximately 15 second (this version autoscan disabled).

  6. If you have two routers (modem router, and wireless router), you need setup port forwarding on the first router (your "modem") to the static IP address of your 360.

    It's rare that modems are just modems these days,  if it's a modem and router in one (the norm) then you probably have two NATS (one from your modem/router and one from you wireless router).  Just be sure that the "modem" is forwarding your LINK ports to you xbox.  No need to setup anything on your wireless router, but if you can turn off NAT that might help.

    Make sure that your client xbox has the gateway set to the IP address of your modem, and DNS set to the IP address of your modem.  You want to skip all routing/NAT features of you wireless router and just use the NAT of your modem.

  7. Well, I wanted to install my copy of Skyrim so I don't need the disk to play.


    I put the disk in the console, and installed in NXE.  Then started FSD and did manual scan, it shows up fine.  Oops I forgot to run NXE2GOD, so I run that, it finds Skyrim and converts it.  I do another manual scan in FSD.  Game runs fine, but I have two copies of the shortcut in FSD.  I move one to "no section".  Now the other shortcut doesn't work.

    So I move that shortcut to "no section".  I do another manual scan, but no it's not detected.  Also game stops loading in NXE.

    I delete the game completely, install from scratch, run NXE2God, and do manual scan.  The game is not detected, still not in the list.  Although it does work in NXE just fine.

    What is happening here?  I thought a scan should detect a game after it's been moved to "no section".  It appears not.   Is it possible that games in "no section" appear already detected, so they are not picked up by a scan?  I'd rather not have to remove all scan locations and restart a scan from scratch.   Any ideas as to why I'm having these issues?

  8. Bug Report:

    This issue was present in previous versions of FSD, and it still present in 775.


    The option "show favorites" does not persist in coverflow.  When leaving the games list and returning, it indicates it is still in show favorites but it is showing all.

    All other game list modes work fine.

  9. No TUs don't go to the official cache folder when downloaded using the built-in FSD tool. I believe only the ACTIVE TU is put in official cache (I may be mistaken).

    OP made one hell of a wish list, seems a bit presumptuous to ask teamFSD to find the time and inclination to add features such as XBMC and Netflix. (you think you're the first person to jump on a forum and make such bold requests?)

    If I were you I'd keep your wish lists down to bug fixes (be specific, and explain exactly how to reproduce the bug) and feature additions the pertain to dashboard control and usability.

    If you want to see XBMC ported to microsoft XDK or libxenon then dive-in and do it yourself.

  10. Yeah make a skin with no settings. You could also have a devoted FSD folder installed with game paths that only have your approved kiddie games... and another FSD folder installed with game paths for all your games.

    Make your adult version of FSD a "secret" boot option in dashlaunch (like holding start) and the kiddie version the default boot option.

  11. I've had issues when I add a game path with many titles (such as content00000000 if you have lots of GODs), I cannot remove this game path. (it tells me it's deleting content but it never completes, if I back out and return I find the game path is still there)

    The only way to remove the game path was to delete my FSD folder and reinstall from scratch.

  12. This is common to UPNP nat traversal when using a dynamic DHCP address.


    Give your 360 a static IP address, disable UPNP and port forward the ports you wish to you 360's IP address.


    Leave UPNP on and give yourself a static/reserved DHCP address (UPNP only works with DHCP but you can reserve an IP to your 360 mac address).

    • Like 1

  13. Thanks for the replies guys. I'd rather not have to start dashlaunch to boot an elf. Robins so do have to keep the elf ready to go on a usb, when you start xell launch? Is there a way to keep the elfs on the internal harddrive and make xell launch shortcuts to specific elfs?

  14. Hi there, justy wondering if anyone knows a way to build a FSD shortcut that starts xell with a short script to start an app? this would be so much better than booting with eject and loading the game manually.

    Is there something I'm not aware of that you all are using to quick start specific libxenon homebrew from FSD?

  15. I often see locked rooms or other custom rooms.

    This could be perfect for a private match, or to label a public match with something like "TU 2" or "hacks allowed" or "english microphones" or "east coast USA" etc.

    I've read somewhere that you can make the custom rooms on the Link website, but I don't see how. Any tips?

  16. The splash screens are completely customizable. I downloaded a good skin called AYR. It uses your selected background image with a weird sound as the splash screen with an overlay image of "AYR" and of course the FSD loading messages with the bad spelling.

    Then I extraced the xzp, deleted the splash screen sound "audiosplash.xma, I deleted the "AYR" splash screen image "splash.png". Then I edited "splashscreen.xur" to remove the layer with the FSD loading messages.

    Now my FSD splash is simply my chosen background and nothing else. Now if only FSD would load a little faster.

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