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About Andy

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    RMS Freshman
  1. And yes vors1013 and Spirgas I meant DL not DS . Thanks for interpreting my bad abreviation.
  2. Cool. Will try today. Would still like to know what is going on with the other games . Have got latest TU's and set them as active. Bord 2 works 100%. MW3 Cannot see any games after joining the room . Halo 4 Can see other players after joining but the say the are unjoinable. Padlock next to status. Will try some others today and see how they go.
  3. Will do. Do you still have to unload DS.
  4. Ok had to save devlink setting to HDD ini now can see some games. Halo 4 is still unjoinable . Padlocks next to players. ??? MW3 can't see any players. Any help would be appreciated. Also would be nice to have a un join option as it keeps you connected even after rebooting and/or when you go back to dash.
  5. Tried many games . Can join rooms , but cannot see any games . Any ideas?
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