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Everything posted by enderdeckard

  1. I finally figured it out. Filezilla, on default settings, transfers files as ASCII or binary based on the file extension. But the XBLA game files have no extension. So it transfers as ASCII, which leads to corrupt files. When I changed it to default to binary, it worked !
  2. hello, I would like some help with XBLA games. Correct me if I'm wrong , but my understanding is that if I point the Freestyle scan game paths to the correct directory, then I should be able to play XBLA games from a USB drive ? I can't do it for some reason. Regular xbox games are working fine from USB. I've tried with multiple XBLA files. I have FSD 3.0 rev 58, Kernel 2.0.16747.0. If it matters, Trinity board / flash, glitch 2. Dashlaunch 3.12 (I think?). Sometimes when I delete a game path, it asks me if I should delete game data, when I say yes, it gets stuck. Not sure if this is a related problem. I also tried FSD 3.0 rev 775, but that crashed when I scanned the XBLA game paths. thanks for any help
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