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Everything posted by DCohen726

  1. Just an update. I have started converting games to GOD and so far everything is working. I just hate i have to rebuild the ISOs of hard to find games I still have on my HDD
  2. Let's say I have the latest dash w/avatar stuff, is it safe to just make a GOD with the $SystemUpdate intact? or do I have to go through the whole extract and rebuild the iso before converting to GOD?
  3. Update: Nope, something was done after 1.20 that made the games not viewable in FSD, weird. Should I flat out try a full hard drive format and go from there?
  4. Sadly, no updates from 1.20, gonna try 2.2 see if I can get that one to recognize it. I'd rather not spend a lot of HDD space and resources making GOD files, but I will if it means I can use the latest one
  5. Here's the real kicker to this whole thing. I downloaded an old copy of FSD 1.20 and that works!! Shame I forgot how to get covers for that version
  6. Well then, I guess I better figure out how to turn games to GOD and make sure my system is as up to date as possible. and the red warning light is on. *searches forums for tutorials* ALL of my games has the default.xex, that's how I boot them.
  7. Nope, I have just been putting the retail games in my /Games folder. I extract the ISO, FTP / or copy it from my external to the /Games folder on the 360 HDD and play it from there. Is it better to make it a GOD instead?
  8. Hey Everyone So a few days ago I decided to re-enter the JTAG/RGH world of XBOX 360 and got myself an RGH Slim console. I was able to take my hard drive out of the shell of my old phat one and put it in the slim. While I can boot all my games up through XEX menu, I am having trouble getting FSD 3 or Aurora to recognize all my retail based games. It's fantastic for the XBLA titles, but it seems to only recognize only 1 or a couple of retail games in my GAMES folder . Anyone have any idea how I can fix this? If it matters, I'm using Dashlaunch 3.12. Any help is appreciated!
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