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Posts posted by guily6669

  1. 1 minute ago, Swizzy said:

    You're soooo wrong on that, XEXMenu is nothing more then a launcher + Filemanager with a FTP server...


    FSD and Aurora are pretty much on the same level these days, infact, Aurora is far superior to FSD at this point in time as it has more features then FSD ever had, sure, not everything FSD had is implemented (yet) and some of those features won't come either (from us anyways, perhaps with utility scripts by others)

    I saw some new stuff that I liked, like showing saves and DLC and a few other things, but for that I already had an app ready on FSD homebrew section where it would make me manage everything and would go back into FSD very fast...


    Anyway I still have to say I enjoyed quite a lot more your work on the FSD and I just wished you only improved and fixed things on that dash, I just love it, some times even more than XBMC just because of the design I'm using. In fact I would want your FSD style menu on everything, PS4, PC steam, gosh I would use that design everywhere :), that's how much I love FSD even with its bugs and problems...

  2. 3 hours ago, felida said:

    1. Everything can be done with the analog.. not the dpad.. haha..

    2. Use what you want.. dont come flaming stuff for no reason.

    3. DONT come flaming stuff for no reason. Your post really was pointless.. 

    4. You dont like aurora? Dont come posting flaming posts. And dont use it.. i bet when fsd no longer does anything(link, ect.), you will be one of the many complaining..

    I didnt flame anything... just gave my opinion.


    But anyway I dont care for link or anything from X360 already... Lately I have only been playing PC and PS4 sometimes.

    If new games would be coming, I would totally use it.

    2 hours ago, Swizzy said:

    You can change the way the menu's look, you can customize ALOT in the skin, just, people haven't done a whole lot of it...

    Extract DVD isn't a button, because... we didn't see the need for a button that just copies the DVD to a new folder... you can easily add it as a utility script tho, it's not rocket science...

    Fan Speed settings we've not added for a reason, it's generally used by people that don't know what they're doing, and infact setting the fan speed to a static setting means you're more likely to overheat the console or wear out the fans faster... (both of which are bad) allowing the SMC to control the fans automatically by changing the target temperature settings instead is the proper way to go... (this makes the fan spin faster when needed and slow down when needed)

    With 0.5b+ you can separate emulators, XB Arcade, X360, Xbox Classic etc. etc. you just press RB/LB and it'll bring up the Quick Views menu which lets you swap what filters to use really quickly, similar to FSD, except, we've made it far more powerful allowing you to make your own filters aswell not just locked down to those specific ones...

    If you don't like the default skin, feel free to make your own, nobody is stopping you, but, my guess is you don't know how, and you're not willing to learn either, instead, you prefer hating what we're doing and flaming to us about our decisions...

    That is exactly the problem... FSD, its complete out of the box and I dont have to do anything to it...


    And about fans, before I had 3 fans soldered directly to 12V, I care for dropping as much degrees as I can and not to wear out fans, still have the original X360 back fan brand new unused in storage (I'm using a custom fan and added 2 more). I also used Artic MX thermal paste and added memory coolers to every big chip inside...


    My only concern is for not having ROD to the M$ badly designed Xbox...


    And anyway I didnt turn my Xbox ON for more than a year, so I will not lose time trying to make scripts or making a custom theme. And I think theres more people like me that would love to see a complete dash replacement without having to search for custom scripts...


    Same goes for the friend I installed Aurora, he doesnt know anything about RGH, he doesnt know even much about how to put games inside, people like him would never come here searching for things or making custom things.


    I my self wouldnt care coming here for custom scripts, but I just won't do it since I dont use my X360 like before when it was king of the hill and new games kept coming :(.


    ps: I would just simply prefer having a more complete dash and would totally start using my X360 again if someone would make a custom XBMC native for it as a full dash replacement. Aurora is more like a XEX menu with more features :(. Maybe when more things get added, I would use it to replace the good old FSD.

  3. I installed Aurora 0.6B on my friend X360, but on mine I think I will still keep using FSD...


    FSD for me has everything I want out of the box...


    On Aurora, I dont even see where's the extract DVD option for example, the file explorer I dont like it in comparison to FSD and the FSD has a very high customization of skins, I love the design that I'm using to everything I ever seen on any console ever made or hacked that I owned... Hell, I'm even liking it more than the best of XBMC from xbox original.


    Couldnt see the option to change fan speed, had to use dashlaunch settings, while on mine I set on FSD instead (not a big problem, but I dont even have any need to open Dashlaunch other than to update it and never open it again).


    I also dont like the options on the game covers where we change them with D-pad, I almost couldnt see how to delete a game from the cover list...


    And maybe for last I love how I have a separation in FSD for emulators, XB arcade, X360 games, Xbox classic games...

  4. Sorry, I meant I hope everything happens the way you\me\we want, I mean again that I hope everyone start working on addons for the upcoming aurora dash and do a ton of magic with it.


    THANK YOU AGAIN :thumbup:


    ps: When that happens I will also install it on all my friends RGH :beer:

    The scripting is so easy- and in just an hour or two, I was able to make a weather display script that let me ask the user for an API key, search for a city, display a list of matching cities, and display the current weather information of that city- all with out a single line of C++.

    If you don't mind improving and sharing it later on I would appreciate it.


    And even more awesome would be a scripting database in some server and that we could even chose scripts trough Aurora and download+install them right away, that would be PERFECT.

    • Like 11

  5. OMG, that's way too nice, I hope it's true. Maybe it's time to learn lua scripting.


    The only scripting I worked was HTML and very little of Uscript for the unreal engine. I learned C++ but never really got deep into it (had to do a stupid car selling software to present at school and other little craps...).

    FSD was built in a very unorganized manner and ultimately became an unmaintainable mess of which barely compiles and runs.  We had issues where adding 1 feature or changing one piece of code broke 3 other features.    Our last public build barely holds together.

    Well... Thanks for making that mess called FSD then :).


    Too bad it just crashes a million times, but my problem is actually either the way where the RGH cable goes (maybe it's getting interference) or the SMC values, as when I change them the crashing stops for a few days, but couldnt ever perfect it.


    My friends all use FSD, but, their RGH is way better than mine and mostly crashes only on some games or when doing something on the FSD, it's not like mine which doesn't even boot properly sometimes.


    ps: FSD is perfect :baby: .

  6. Now we are getting somewhere, thanks. Maybe I could start using Aurora 0.6b


    What I meant by menus is exactly having a menu for the game folders, having one for the browser, settings..... instead of the menu being always games covers and opening everything above it by using the buttons of the gamepad (for me this gives a sense of emptiness and doesn't actually look like a real full console dashboard, I mean on the M$ dash we have tons of menus for everything, it feels rich on content...).


    But I still don't like much about those options being as scripts as I had bad experiences with scripts crashing the whole XBMC back then (since the scripting wasn't official...) :(.




    Your comment leaves me more questions, which are the following:


    1- what will the script be, luascript? (or something unique from Aurora\you?).


    2- Is there anyway by scripting + plugins to do something like a music player? (I think I have seen something being made for the FSD like that, but I never tried, hell, can't even remember).


    3- Do you think with scripting on the new Aurora I could exactly recreate my FSD dash like I shown to you above, with everything based on menus, and have one part of the menu in some colors, others in a different color...


    ps: THANK YOU!!!!!

    I don't know if I should be humbled or annoyed haha-   We're the same team that made FSD- so you worshiping it the way you are should make us feel good-


    And after thinking about it... I believe it does-  I am glad you like it.     I recommend you keep using it forever.


    The rest of us will be using Aurora.

    I know the same team made both (or at least some members as I don't know everyone)...


    But I'm just sad that you guys stop working on the FSD and killed it instead of improving it's code. The new dash is even smaller on everything (features, options, customizations, and in my opinion visuals :) ).


    ps: But well, I'm glad at least now you guys will allow scripting and modding it :thumbsup:

  7. Look at my beauty:



    I don't think I can let this go so soon :thumbup: .


    For me this is better than PS4\Xone\Steam and any XBMC INTERFACE theme I ever tried.


    I tried probably the first aurora release and didn't like anything in it at all.


    ps: I'm not even using box art cover, I'm using the older and slower method on the FSD...





    And I just tried latest version of Aurora and its still the same.


    - Why does it backup my TU's at first start instead of having that option in the settings (so i have to erase them to save space)

    - No avatars,

    - No menus at all, it's just a game launcher menu with a button for settings\system (it still is a XEX menu with more features),

    - Don't know where's the clock\temperatures without having to use the plugin, pressing guide button to see them,

    - Is there a weather API?

    - File browser doesn't appeal much to me, I prefer the old one.

    - Lack of in dash theme customization (custom themes are nice, but from my experience in XBMC and FSD they either decrease menu performance, or lack settings\features in the dash updates or simply change everything while we can customize FSD with the same layout but change everything from the settings).



    Why don't you have an option in the menu to activate menus to look like a real dashboard like FSD and also let people who want just game launching to chose the game launching menu style. It's like if windows OS were just the desktop with the icons to launch apps and nothing more...


    And about features something that does concern me even on the FSD:


    - NOTHING of media can be opened\viewd\played (I don't care much for it, but sometimes I'm too lazy to even turn on the desktop just for playing music. I have to press guide go to music and have to wait like 5 minutes for the music to play), most of the times I really have to go into M$ dash to play music as it's the only way to actually play them sometimes and the fastest way. I have a 2.1 system connected to the X360 that's why I use it to play music even if rarely.


    Is it impossible to make a image viewer and music player for the phoenix?

    • Like 1

  8. It's not the stability, but features that concern me :(.


    I don't like the visuals, I don't like that it's almost a XEX menu...


    I wish is that someone could make a native XBMC for it.


    Anyway if they gave the full source I'm sure we could see something like the old XBMC (nightly builds) where it just kept improving a lot and added new features.


    ps: X360 is now dead :unsure: . It can't even update games and I manually have to do it again like in the old days... And I refuse to use Phoenix, so no more improvements will be made on my X360 for ever :(.

  9. Bring is a new FSD, thank you and bye... :baby: .


    I would use the original M$ crap 1000 times to phoenix, I'm sorry to say, but I keep looking for a power PC, X360 XBMC and not a full menu that just launches games :(.


    ps: It's a crap that FSD now does't update games or anything, PLZ GIVE THE SOURCE CODE.

  10. That suck... Aurora is like a crapped down version of FSD with all features removed and now they make us finally to have to go with Aurora.


    I won't ever use Aurora, Why did you even do it, grrrr...


    Can't someone please mod FSD to accept the new XboxUnity connection + API?

  11. Yeah, but I's just a small fix, can't somoene else make a little update so that when covers aren't detected it just show the name as a cover?


    Or do you know how to mod FSD to achieve that?

    Keep Cool

  12. Much appreciated, it worked.


    But anyway, I have apps that don't have covers available, I think FSD should have shown the name as a cover instead of showing "Missing Cover".


    And in a few years they close JQE server and we will have all games displaying a "MISSING COVER" or we would have to manually install covers which suck.



    Doesn't all newer games have all some art on them already? FSD should update and grab the game image as cover (if no cover is detected) or it's name if it's missing that art that comes with the game.

    Keep Cool

  13. Hello folks,


    Sorry if this has been posted a million times...


    I always had FSD working great, but on latest games I don't have any game cover anymore.


    I still use FSDFlow game list style, don't know if it's because of that.


    I'm missing covers on:


    - Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein, Murdered: Soul Suspect and Enemy Front.



    If the problem is caused by "JQE", can't you please update FSD so that it display the name of the game as a cover when no covers are detected??????????? (I also have a few apps and they just show "NO COVER" and that suck).

    Keep Cool

  14. Yeah the Sata II from X360 is probably not as good as a good Sata controller from PC, but still Sata II go a lot further than any drive in terms of speed, only those very fast SSD's really need SATA III.


    About the crystal, damn, I was completely wrong :blushing: .


    I know that the RGH chip changes CPU clock at launch. I would be very grateful if they ever make one that could adjust normal cpu clocks for a custom number and for gpu+ram too ;) (most likely never gonna happen :().

    Keep Cool

  15. Well, I bought the console brand new back in 2008...


    But I have seen some games with some huge drops to 20FPS and I went into my friend's home and it also had the same lag.


    There are really one or two unplayable games full of lag.


    But some are running at around 28fps and drop to 25fps easily.



    If someone could OC it just a little bit it would probably win ~5fps on some games which is just the amount needed for a better experience.


    ps: Too bad no one know any info about it. (I'm wondering if soldering new crystal would OC it ??)


    why not switch to pc :p

    I have a PC... However after almost 2000€ (with the extras, not just the PC) wasted on it (back in mid 2011), it has some strange problem.


    I sent it to the store and they had my PC for 5 months and didn't found the problem.


    The thing is I bought the PC and it doesn't run almost any game. BF3 drops from 45 FPS (all ultra, on, 1080P) to 0 FPS with huge stuttering. Even on low is unplayable.


    And I have tried everything (all bios settings), HT off, spread spectrum off, all latest biosdrivers... The worse is that in all tests everything is OK. 3D marks have normal score for this PC, ram tested all night with no errors and have the right bandwidth.


    ps: This PC killed me. It's all I ever wanted, I build it with all care, wasted so much money, and it's just OFF since 2011. (I also took it to a friendly pc store here this year, and they conclude nothing). If I had more hardware and money, I would test every component...

    Keep Cool

  16. The Sata 7200rpm HDD is 2x times faster than the original 120GB HDD (tested both on PC).


    My Seagate ~87MBs vs ~40MB original xbox360 drive and 40MBs vs 20MBs at the end of the HDD plates (however those are sequential readswrite).


    When the game is lagged because of the HDD, if you stay still in the same posittion ans spin it never lags as the textures are always loaded. But GPUCPUMemory related, the more things happening on the background, the less will FPS be.


    HDD problems is more like in GTA going fast, textures take time to load or start disapearing (though it works good here with minor problem).

    In the PC the Hdd is also used a lot more since windows is always accessing it, on xbox360 it's almost exclusively for the game.



    I don't use external hddpen drive for playing games on the xbox. The Seagate 1TB 7200rpm is inside the xbox HDD case (I replaced the original by it).



    ps: Almost no games run smooth either on PS3X360 without a lot of FPS drop (and there's one or two that for me are unplayable at around 20FPS super slow).

    Keep Cool

  17. I have 1TB Seagate HDD Sata3 7200rpm inside.


    The lag is really GPU related (low FPS). Like for example most games you look to a place where there's nothing drawn, like the sky and the game is very fast, but you look to the city and fps drop a lot.


    It would be awesome if someone would discover a way to increase the clocks on the GPUmemory :unsure: .



    ps: I thought that since FSD devs made the dashboard, maybe would know anything about it or seen it somewhere in the firmware of the console or anything at all...

    Keep Cool

  18. Hey there.


    Could you add overcloking possibilities to FSD, or is overcloking forced via software really 100% impossible on Xbox360?


    I have a few cooling mods and it would be awesome if we could OC it and win some FPS on those very lagged games :wacko: .

    Keep Cool

  19. I dont understand this...

    Can't join any server (tested more than 100 already).

    But if I make a server people can join.

    On Halo 4 for example, I can see everyone right away and every server, I can see people's character and colors, but can't join anyone.

    Any ideas?

    In the router log it says this when I connect to someone:

    FIREWALL replay check (1 of 30): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Destination Unreachable Code: Port Unreacheable

    ps: Ports are forwarded, I even tried xbox360 with DMZ, hell even firewall is OFF, and still same crap. Router is a Thomson TG787

    Keep Cool

  20. Jesus, Title updater is totally broken here. It used to work. Now I chose whatever update I want, but no mater what game launches with no updates.

    I erased everything, went into M$ dash and cleaned cache, but when I go download Title update, it downloads way too fast, like if it had it in cache...

    I also erased DataTitleUpdates folder, and still same problem, now updater is all broken.

    Keep Cool

  21. Can anyone report if Title ID and Media ID of games now show up!!!! (specially on old FSD game view type, because I don't like the boxart view).

    ps: Why isn't there a link to manually download this new dash? I always like to make a fresh install, specially because my xbox360 already freezes a million times every single day. FSD is not going good here -_- . Original crap M$ dash never ever frozen for years.


    Keep Cool

  22. Nahh, only have one xbox original and one xbox360 with RGH...

    And I still have the dream of a XBMC natively coded to xbox360 binary. I would seriously pay 50$ for it, because xbox360 there's just FSD or..... FSD, there's nothing more out there (there's just the other dash which is firmware based...). I miss the good old xbox original day's.

    I'm tired that on the xbox 360 nothing works here, and have tons of crashes. Some day I will grab her and throw it out of the window and use the PC instead :rolleyes: .

    This shows RED on the Thompson TG787 Router system:

    FIREWALL replay check (1 of 24): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Destination Unreachable Code: Port Unreacheable

    That's after joining a COD BOII server through LINK. But all doors I use on link are open and succeed on test.

    Keep Cool

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