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Posts posted by Riley

  1. Sadly LiNK wont work for me again, I have a Belkin router. I've forwarded my ports and also enabled DMZ. Everything passes on the LiNK test besides not finding the router thing (Which I'm told you don't need). I've also got the Third TU patch for black ops, I can see the games if there are any and i can also join rooms, yet when i go to join the game i get the "Unable to connect to game" Or something along those lines. Is there something that i haven't done yet? If you know how to fix this do tell!

  2. I have a bug,

    I set up everything perfectly, all tests passed (ports and JQE360 account)

    I loaded Black OPs II, joined a room, But every time I try to load the multiplayer game, it says "Fatal Crash Intercepted"

    I've had this error before on some games, but it happens rarely.

    That is your GOD game failing so something is wrong in your files.

  3. I've heard about the larger closed beta for LiNK. How will people be picked for this, and if there are requirements what would they be?

    Sorry if this has been asked before, I used the search feature just couldn't find a answer.

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