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Posts posted by gangrel_1313

  1. I was going to record some footage for my brother-in-law of some of the stuff I made in Minecraft, but it just keeps crashing. I thought it may have had to do with a dashlaunch setting that I had to change because of San Andreas HD crashing last year, I switched that setting back but it still does nothing for Minecraft.

    Things I've tried:

    1. Moved game save to USB to see if it was a corrupt save, apparently that is not the issue.

    2. Cleared System Cache from NXE, did not help.

    3. Tried different TU's, did not help.


    At this point I can't even get to the point of loading the world, it crashes just after the publisher/developers screens at the beginning

  2. Very strange, I enabled enable fatal reboot and decided to try it again, I blew up the crates again before going to the school, it had the regular parachute at the beginning again, I was looking at the different controls I decided to hold X (whether or not it makes a difference for some stupid reason) and I was able to go over and it didn't crash, I was able to get the gold medal on that one, gonna try to see if I can scroll them all, there was actually 2 that crashed it, I didn't notice it "Circle Airstrip" and then "circle airstrip and land", I'm going to try the other to see if it works now.

  3. I was searching the forums about the game and was looking for specific issues with the game, I was having issues with the xbox crashing at certain times which I posted about in the other topics forum thinking it was an issue with Aurora which it was not, but I was interested in seeing what other peoples experiences was with the 360 version, I had the ISO version and converted it to GOD myself but it was crashing at the Abandoned Airfield flight school missions, specifically the Circle Airstrip and Land mission of flight school, I actually have 99.47% completion of the game and when looking around I had 1 stupid thing missing, ended up being that same exact flight school mission that crashes the xbox (shuts it completely off), I'm pretty sure its the preview video crashing it as some of the others work and even after the play and then they loop, still plays, until I select that one which acts like it freezes and crashes. Also I searched online about the bugs and some people found out that too many cars at one hideout will cause it to crash or something, so I was trying to blowup the unlocked aircraft to lighten the load on hardware resources or at least see if it would effect it, and it actually got me into the flight school but the videos would cause it to crash, I did find out that when I blew up the crates/boxes just beside the stairs to the flight school it would load the school fine, but that 1 particular "Circle Airstrip & land" mission is just a no go, crashes it everytime. Tried deleting CACHE from NXE, doesn't help, changed from GOD to regular Game Directory (someone said games run better if they are not GOD), that didn't make it better.

    I was looking at the files to see if there was a configuration file or something to disable the video on something but I figure that is wishful thinking as its probably hardcoded somewhere. Oddly I was able to get a Silver medal earlier in the game, but it wont load it at all now.. Wonder if using the save editor and removing that silver medal would allow me to play that one again?..

    I'll also upload a video on youtube in a little bit, showing exactly what it does.


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  4. 8 minutes ago, felida said:

    i'm not attacking you like an asshole.. if you want me to be one, i very VERY VERY well can be.. i gave you the necessary information to get help here.. period. 

    your FIRST problem was trying to get on live, which RMS doesn't support or care to deal with.. period.

    i STILL gave you the CORRECT information about dashlaunch, PERIOD.

    now, your FIRST step to see if something is the problem, is to UNDO WTF EVER you did to TRY and get your xb on live.. PERIOD.

    then, if that doesn't fix your problem, give more info.. like are you using an external HDD and DONT have hddalive option on?

    It felt like you were giving me attitude, I did appreciate the help with resetting dashlaunch and I said thanks. At this point GTA 5 is irrelevant to the conversation.

    6 minutes ago, gavin_darkglider said:

    There are 2 reasons why the console would shutdown. 1. Software error, and fatal shutdown enabled in dashlaunch. 2. Overheating issue. There are no other reasons on why the console would shut down. The RSS feed in the plugin is causing issues, due to a server side problem, which is causing the console to fatal shutdown/reboot, as of this moment in time when using link.


    As for felida attacking you, I agree with what he said. Based upon what you posted, you were trying to get GTA5 online, which anyone on this site should know only works via live. Stealth plugins are not supported on this site. That is why link was created. We are hackers....... But that doesnt mean we support the destruction of stealth(Ability to spoof gold, cheat in games, steal software from microsoft, etc) Those plugins go against the EULA for live, and I am surprised microsoft hasnt tried suing the people running the servers.

    I was trying something I read about changing the xhttp thing to connect to GTA Online with a RGH there are many sites with that information but either it doesn't work right now or something is wrong, but again it doesn't matter at this point, just trying to set settings back in dashlaunch. which I now know how to do.

  5. 12 minutes ago, gavin_darkglider said:

    The issue with the console shutting down is probably due to link, and the rss feed, if you are trying to use Link. lol. This is a new issue, due to server side issues, and has nothing to do with your console. Just disable the RSS feed in the freestyle plugin, and the problem should be fixed. as for GTA online, it isnt going to work, without live, which is not supported on this site with jtag/rgh consoles. We do support live on retail consoles, and dual nand machines.

    No, I don't use link. I did try to run or install something from plugins, I can't think off the top of my head what it was called, I'd have to boot it up, had to do with scripts or something I believe. It never installed it to my knowledge.

    9 minutes ago, felida said:

    You original post clearly stated "i was tinkering with dashlaunch trying to get gta5 online" no where did u mention san andreas.. at ALL.. get your stuff straight.. especially if you want help.. pointblank.. 

    I like how your attacking me like an asshole, where did I post anything that deserved your attitude? I didn't mention San Andreas because I didn't find out till after I posted that, that it did it every time on the 3rd flight school mission, but I think it did shutdown on Mindcraft too, so I'm not sure.. Why the attitude man?

    BTW, the reason I put that I was trying to get online was to explain that I had tinkered with dashlaunch, it was just added information, not asking anything about how to get GTA5 online which appears to be what your thinking.

  6. 8 hours ago, felida said:

    your stuff is shutting down probably due to some plugin you tried to use.. lmfao..

    1. RMS doesn't support online crap like that, it is pointless to even ask..

    2. you want a "default" launch.ini? DELETE your current one, and relaunch dashlaunch -> MAGIC!!!


    I wasn't asking anything about the online crap. I was asking about if anyone was having issues with their Xbox shutting down after updating Aurora, I kinda figured something out tho, I was playing GTASA (360 version), I converted the ISO to GOD and I noticed that it does it just about every time I do the flight school missions (specifically the 3rd one, circle the airstrip I think), maybe it was something screwed up during the conversion or perhaps a bad rip (moving on away from that topic..lol). I thought I did try to play mindcraft and I thought it shut down with that game too. I'll have to try it again and see if its just with the GTASA or if it does it on multiple titles. But I do know when I didn't play the Flight School and just left and drove back to San Fierro I played it for some time without it shutting down. I'm leaning toward it being the game rather than the xbox, The game is known to be kinda shitty compared to the original SA.

    Thanks for the tip with dashlaunch.

  7. Now I do not know if this is related to Aurora 0.6b, but I can tell you I updated a few days ago and this started happening last night, I can sit in aurora and its fine, but when I start a game, eventually it shuts down (within minutes), it had not done this before updating Aurora, but and a big but.. I was tinkering in Dash Launch settings, (trying to get GTA5 online, which didn't work), but the only think I changed was xhttp, liveblock,& fakelive, but I thought I set them back, disabling the liveblock prompted a update message which I backed away from and re-enabled liveblock, I was trying to see if there was a list of default settings for dash launch, I searched on google and someone asked for that before, but google has flagged this site apparently, but I entered the url manually and it appears the topic was deleted and google did not have a cached version.. Is anyone else having shut downs after updating to aurora 0.6b?

  8. I was comparing the time of the 0.5b posts from the date the information thread was started to the point that the release thread was started, which was 86 days or roughly 3 months. Its been 200 days (or 6 1/2 months +/-) exactly since this thread was started. You guys must have had a lot to do in this update for it to take twice as long to release...lol

  9. One thing I never understood is why are people wanting to know what the date will be, even if there was one, you would still have to wait for the date.. Since there is no specific date, there is no real reason to even ask for it.. I understand there are 230+ posts in this thread but it was asked over and over and given the same answer.. I think I would put (No ETA) in the title or make its own release thread and lock it but let people subscribe and when the update is added to the locked thread they would receive a notification. But I would hope some would not just stop in for the updates and leave again, but post and browse the forums and keep it active, because some times it seems slow on the forums.

    • Like 4

  10. That particular feature wasn't included with the initial aurora release.. but the option is there.. and to elaborate some, once the setup is coded and put into function, there is no need to re-add it, as it will be there already.. and with nxe, you can install any disc to the hdd, but disc is still required, nxe2god converts it so you dont have to use disc anymore.. and you dont know why there isnt a homebrew app like this?? Umm it was already mentioned you can leave FSD on your box, no need to even setup directories or anything, and use the copy disc function just fine.. so..

    Now Aurora does allow you to copy the discs.. just isnt a 1 click setup (yet, that being the keyword "yet").. all of which is easily added with the script support

    I do vaguely remember the install feature now on NXE, but didn't use it but maybe once..lol. When I was talking about re-adding the extract option, I meant to any future dash's (other than FSD or Aurora, if there will ever be another made from scratch) like it was added to FSD and then if it does Aurora (not meaning in the next update of that dash). IDK, but this is getting somewhat off topic, I was just trying to give "XBOX 360 engine" an easier way than using file manager.. I'm going to stop talking about this because there are like 13 people subscribed and probably checking the thread for updates about Aurora 0.6b..lol, Sorry guys.

  11. Why you no use Metro/NXE for installing the disk properly and then use NXE2GOD? Simple and save...

    He's wanting to extract discs to the HD, stock dash (NXE) does not have a way to extract. Only certain games require a "install" (ex: GTA5), to my knowledge the only ways are file manager (which he doesn't like doing that way) or using the DVD extract like FSD has. He is just wanting a way to do it in Aurora which doesn't have it.. I've seen certain skins have it, why someone hasn't created just a plain homebrew app that you can boot and extract DVD's is beyond me (unless there is one), that way these guys wouldn't have to implement the feature every time a new dash comes out

  12. Downloaded and put Mupen64 folder into the root of my HDD, put my roms into a different folder. I can run Mupen64 993 with no issue, but when i select a rom (Super Mario 64) it says it's probably not a n64 rom. I tried with multiple different ones with different file extensions, none of them are loading for some reason, i can only press B to go back to the selection.

    Has anyone come across this issue before?


    EDIT: Tried it again, this time using a usb drive and it worked, so for some reason it doesn't work from an HDD.

    Had that problem a couple years ago, Mupen64 has to be on the USB.

    • Like 1

  13. i was hope you add one more button to aurora>>>>>>extract dvd button like fsd its very very important cuz we have just tired using file manger cuz its not easy like a button to do that to copy files from cd so please please..........i was wait that button for 5 months but no one care :unsure:  :unsure:  :unsure:

    Just leave a copy of FSD on the HD and use filemanager to boot FSD, Extract your DVD from there and use guide button to reboot to Aurora, its not that complicating  to do, I left FSD on my HD even tho I don't use it anymore, it makes it easier to find the Title ID's when I need to see them. although I set Aurora as my default dash.

  14. Ok, I looked and found a CACHE folder in HDD1:/Compatibility/Xbox1/ it had multiple BIN files, I removed them and it still didn't make the changes show up. I googled and found and old post on TX forums, turned out it was my post before I got banned from there..lol, I never got a answer on TX tho, that was back in 2012..lol

  15. All Xbox related data should be in HDD1:\Compatibility\

    Are you sure that's on HDD1? I don't recall seeing Compatibility folder on that HD, I was looking in HDDX.. I'll check tho.. Thanks Swizzy

  16. I decided to boot up GTA3 not long ago and was playing it again, I obviously had to use the hacked backwards compatibility update as it wasn't one of the original Xbox games officially supported by M$ official update.. I kinda got bored lately and decided to do some modding of the game, I remember back in the day on the original Xbox you had to delete the cache for the changes to show up, Partitions X,Y,Z. I did some changes but they are not showing up, so apparently the 360 (or backwards compatibility emulator) is storing Cache somewhere for the Original Xbox games, I can't seem to find the location.. I also tried deleting Cache for the HD's using the NXE option is Storage settings in case there emulators stored the cache where the 360 stored the cache, but that didn't fix it.

  17. I love how you totally skipped my post, which told you the easiest way I know of to watch videos on the xbox. It is even in this thread, on this page. No conversion needed, it will do it all for you.


    Didn't skip it, I'm trying it now, I can see Serviio through system video player and after clicking it shows the different folders... I added 2 videos in serviio and it shows them, but its still giving me the errors when selecting the video on the xbox. Enable transcoding is checked.. what am I not doing right?


    EDIT: OMFG, after all this shit, it was missing the Avatar/Kinect update, that was apparently causing all these errors.. I updated my kernel to 17489 and deleted the old media updates, reinstalled them and updated with avatar and kinect update and it plays one of the video's, should play the other too, I'm hoping... wheeeeeww!!!!!!!!!!!! what a ordeal..lmfao

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  18. I'm having some luck with FFPlay, I can play regular video files, haven't tried to record yet, but I'm thinking it probably would since FFPlay is not ran from XELL. I have a question about FFPLAY though, can it play DVD files? I tried to open a extracted DVD in it and it will play the VOB files individually but wont run the VIDEO_TS.IFO file.

    laptop should be connected directly to the tv & bypass the rest
    Laptop has a VGA port, but I'm not going into a long story about that, it didn't work, I tried that with something else a couple years ago, plain wont work with this ACER.


    EDIT: I decided to try FFPlay and that turned out shit, I wasted 12 minutes of DVD space, it started getting jittery and since it wasn't updated since 2011, I can't use FFplay either... I'm running out of options.. It really pisses me off that the stupid Dash wont play the stupid videos.. I checked storage and it claims I have 3 optional media updates on the external HD:

    "Optional iPod Support" that is 176KB

    "Optional Media Update" that is 423KB

    "Optional Media Update" that is 5MB

    Those wouldn't have to be on the internal HD would they? Because I checked System Items on it and it didn't have the updates there, just on the external HD

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