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Nina Kokulinsky

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Everything posted by Nina Kokulinsky

  1. I just bought the 360 and I am not planing to get the XBOXONE. So that's sad, I hoped to play DC on my 360 even if it's just Chu Chu Rocket Any idea what I can do?
  2. Oh ok, that explains a lot, didn't know that. So it would be the best to wait for an official release, do you have an idea when this could be?
  3. this thing is hard to find on the internet... or maybe it's just me. Can you provide me with a good downloadlink, a complete one, or simply the file? I really appreciate your help, thanks a lot.
  4. Ok, I don't know what the f... I've done but now the emulator doesn't even start anymore. I've loaded up a picture of the stackdump, my folder structure and the xenon.elf. This is how I loaded down the emulator, can't find an elf32 file. Here is the download link: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/2kcqil9i128kb/Swizzy
  5. Ok, how can I do that? And what is the stackdump? (Sorry I am new to XBOX360)
  6. Is there any tutorial out there for this emulator? I can't get it to work, it starts but it can't find the games or it crashes. I tried starting the emulator from hd and usb, also loading games from hd and usb. I even tried the tips from above but it always acts the same. Could someone plz help??
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