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Everything posted by dXcheeze

  1. Hey there, kinda new to the party but already made a deep dive in modding my 360! Regarding large librarys and the 4096 file limitation especially regarding cover art etc. I stumbled upon this topic here GameData Limit 4096 . Well I read a lot the last few weeks. And it just made me think how to achieve this for XBLA and XBLIG. Did I understand this correct? I could just move the XBLA "core files", only /titleID/000D0000/, to any place on the HDD/USB to seperate them, but not their respective dlcs or title updates. they need to stay in the main HDDs content folder. I read multiple times, that seperating the XBILG folder wouldn't be possible while scanning, but thinking about there only being about ~700 arcade games... Could you add like a 1000 paths to the "Manage paths" list? Thanks for your help already!
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