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About xaxxy

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    RMS Freshman
  1. So many times i have hit 404's too for now I have a collection of content downloaded from https://archive.org/details/@dominater01 almost 30GB in total but I will be going over each package individually with multiple versions avilable of each. Thanks for the sugestion of skins I shall include aurora skins,scripts,modules and coverflows is my plan and as i plan on having multiple aurora versions installable i will include diffrent versions of skins too but easily disguisable versions. Doing skin previews would be a great idea too infact I would like to have thumbnails for alot of the items in the menu but my LUA sucks so I will see how well i get on with that i also need to add in an option to launch after download. If people are intrested in this I will entually make a discord server used to maintain the repo with updates and new packages
  2. Hey I'm still quite new to xbox 360 modding and have never touched lua in my life (mostly PHP and VB) I have had a goal of creating an application on the xbox 360 for homebrew games, applications and emulators I had planned on making this into an XEX originally but I am still in the progress of doing a RGloader XDK xbox and until I get somthing I can debug on I stand no chance as I am still learning basic c# sof or the time being I have been working on editing the "Aurora Repo Browser" to work with custom sources (not hard) but instead of just using ini files im relying on a PHP script server side (i would have used json but extra inlcudes and outputting it in the ini format isnt a challange) so far ive got a working prototype that will download and extract any Emulator installed into HDD1://Emulators/Emulator_Tyle/Emulator_Name ready to be played I can do this with any software and the server im hosting the repo on has about 200GB of storage for now I just wondered what you guys think about this idea if it would be useful to you and anythning else you would like to see included. p.s. Don't worry Xbox 360 Content and Original Xbox Content will not be included i will be focusing on homebrew please no law suite ❤️ Thanks screenshots of the working repo are attached
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