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Everything posted by Giahim

  1. FSD NTP CODE --------------------------------is this a bar?------------------ #include "stdafx.h"#include "../Generic/tools.h"#include "../Generic/xboxtools.h"#include "../Debug/Debug.h"#include "NTP.h"unsigned long NTP::Process( void * parameter ){ SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); DebugMsg("NTP", "NTP Thread Work Begun"); DoTimeSync(); DebugMsg("NTP", "NTP Thread Work Complete"); CloseHandle(this->hThread); this->hThread = 0; return 0;}void NTP::SyncTime(){ DebugMsg("NTP", "Starting Thread"); bool retVal; retVal = CreateThread(CPU3_THREAD_1); if(retVal == true) DebugMsg("NTP", "Thread Created"); else DebugMsg("NTP", "Failed To Create Thread");}void NTP::DoTimeSync(){ __int64 oldTime = 0; __int64 newTime = 0; UINT32 ret3= NtSetSystemTime(&newTime,&oldTime); ret3= NtSetSystemTime(&oldTime,&newTime); //Old time should now contain proper value byte NTPBuffer[48]={0}; NTPBuffer[0] = 0x1b; //SET AT 40 SYSTEMTIME LocalSysTime;GetSystemTime(&LocalSysTime); FILETIME ft; SystemTimeToFileTime(&LocalSysTime,&ft); __int64 ntpformat =0; memcpy(&ntpformat,&ft,8); byte* curTime = new byte[8]; for(int x=0;x<8;x++) { curTime[x] =0; } memcpy(curTime,&ntpformat,8); DebugMsg("NTP","CurSysTime from 1600"); DebugMsg("NTP","%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",curTime[0],curTime[1],curTime[2],curTime[3],curTime[4],curTime[5],curTime[6],curTime[7]); __int64 Diff = 0; byte* diffBytes = new byte[8]; diffBytes[0] = 0x01; diffBytes[1] = 0x4f; diffBytes[2] = 0x37; diffBytes[3] = 0x3b; diffBytes[4] = 0xfd; diffBytes[5] = 0xe0; diffBytes[6] = 0x40; diffBytes[7] = 0x00; memcpy(&Diff,diffBytes,8); for(int x=0;x<8;x++) { curTime[x] =0; } memcpy(curTime,&Diff,8); DebugMsg("NTP","300 year is"); DebugMsg("NTP","%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",curTime[0],curTime[1],curTime[2],curTime[3],curTime[4],curTime[5],curTime[6],curTime[7]); ntpformat-= Diff; for(int x=0;x<8;x++) { curTime[x] =0; } memcpy(curTime,&ntpformat,8); DebugMsg("NTP","CurSysTime from 1900"); DebugMsg("NTP","%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",curTime[0],curTime[1],curTime[2],curTime[3],curTime[4],curTime[5],curTime[6],curTime[7]); for(int x=0;x<8;x++) { NTPBuffer[40+x] = curTime[x]; } SOCKET debugSendSocket; SOCKADDR_IN debugSendSocketAddr; debugSendSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); BOOL bBroadcast = TRUE; if(setsockopt(debugSendSocket, SOL_SOCKET, 0x5801, (PCSTR)&bBroadcast, sizeof(BOOL) ) != 0 )//PATCHED! { DebugMsg("NTP","Failed to set debug send socket to 5801, error"); return ; } debugSendSocketAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; debugSendSocketAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; XNDNS* pxndns = NULL; HANDLE myEvent = WSACreateEvent();XNetDnsLookup("pool.ntp.org", myEvent, &pxndns ); DebugMsg("NTP","Waiting for dns...");WaitForSingleObject( myEvent, INFINITE );WSAResetEvent( myEvent );if( pxndns->iStatus != 0 ){ DebugMsg("NTP","DNS ERROR"); XNetDnsRelease( pxndns );shutdown( debugSendSocket, SD_BOTH ); closesocket( debugSendSocket ); return;} DebugMsg("NTP","DNS OK"); debugSendSocketAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( "pool.ntp.org" );debugSendSocketAddr.sin_addr = pxndns->aina[ 0 ]; debugSendSocketAddr.sin_port = 123; if( connect( debugSendSocket, ( struct sockaddr* )&debugSendSocketAddr, sizeof( debugSendSocketAddr ) ) == 0 ) { DebugMsg("NTP","Connected"); send( debugSendSocket, (char*)NTPBuffer,48, 0 ); recv( debugSendSocket,(char*) NTPBuffer, 48, 0 ); byte* seconds = new byte[8]; seconds[0] =0; seconds[1] = 0; seconds[2] = 0; seconds[3] = 0; seconds[4] = NTPBuffer[40]; seconds[5] = NTPBuffer[41]; seconds[6] = NTPBuffer[42]; seconds[7] = NTPBuffer[43]; __int64 secondsValue = 0; __int64 old = 0; memcpy(&secondsValue,seconds,8); secondsValue = 10000000 * secondsValue; memcpy(curTime,&secondsValue,8); DebugMsg("NTP","Final Set from 1900"); DebugMsg("NTP","%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",curTime[0],curTime[1],curTime[2],curTime[3],curTime[4],curTime[5],curTime[6],curTime[7]); secondsValue = Diff +(secondsValue); curTime = new byte[8]; for(int x=0;x<8;x++) { curTime[x] =0; } memcpy(curTime,&secondsValue,8); DebugMsg("NTP","Final Set from 1600"); DebugMsg("NTP","%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",curTime[0],curTime[1],curTime[2],curTime[3],curTime[4],curTime[5],curTime[6],curTime[7]); UINT32 ret2= NtSetSystemTime(&secondsValue,&old); DebugMsg("NTP","SET RESULT : %08x",ret2); } else { DebugMsg("NTP","Cant Connect"); } // Clean up pointer XNetDnsRelease( pxndns ); shutdown( debugSendSocket, SD_BOTH ); closesocket( debugSendSocket );}
  2. I don't use live & FSD, but want to and synchronization time,is DL Has NTP Plug-in?? Thanks
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