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About psychoda

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  1. Hello. I am new to all of this, so please bear with me. My system (which was installed by a third party, not myself) keeps showing this message saying there's a new update. I ask it to update, it downloads, then install, everything seems to be fine... and then, on reboot, there comes the update message again. I suspect it has something to do with the plugin part of it, because it says on the "about" section: Binaries: 0.7b r1622 (actual and available) Skin: 0.7b r1622 (same) Plugins: ??? (actual) / 0.7b r1622 (available) Does anyone know what's going on with this? Pardon me if this is a trivial issue, but I know nothing about this stuff.
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