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About fraser1974

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. So I have been teaching myself to make trainers for 360. I know generally how the process is to supposed to work. I’ve also been following a video that came with XYZTools. I have Visual Studio 2010. I get up to the part where I have the current memory address I want to set a breakpoint for. In the second video I’m supposed to go to Tools>Attach to Process… and in there for the transport I have to select “Xbox 360 Debugging” and then in the video they select “ARXBOX360” for the qualifier but I don’t see that in my case, I only see my console’s network IP address. If I select the IP address the break points don’t ever trigger when I know they’re changing. I’ve tried relaunching VS2010 and also launching AxR_360 and VS2010 on administrative mode. No matter what I do can’t seem to replicate this step. Does anyone have any experience with this issue or know what I can try to do to get around it? Thanks in advance.
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