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Everything posted by t1op

  1. So "Game/Game Name/$TitleUpdate/Title ID/TU" works for storing Title updates, right? Some games require DLC installed from the content disc or Horizon/Velocity. Ok. "DLCs may have files of the same name that eventually become corrupted." Does that mean that I can rename a DLC file however I want, but if I name it "Map Pack 1" for more than one game, that will cause corruption? So if renaming I would want to make a universally unique name for each one to prevent corruption? Is that the same with Title Updates? Also, can I place DLC somewhere like "Game/Game Name/???/Title ID/DLC"?
  2. In the latest Aurora 7b, do Title Updates and DLC need to be in this structure? 0000000000000000/Title ID/... Or can I scan for content and find them anywhere? Like: Games/Game Name/Title ID/... Also can I rename DLC or TU if they are in the right folder structure? So that instead of a long string of numbers and letters, I change the name to TU 15 or Map Pack 1?
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