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Everything posted by moogletimes

  1. Hi So I've bought a fully updated RGH2 modded Xbox 360 Slim (Trinity Board) with 1TB HDD. It was already packed with Aurora, Dashlaunch, Teapot and over 200 games on it. I also got the CPU-key on paper. I wanna set it up from the beginning and learn how to mod it from the beginning so that I can understand it better and have an easier time using it in the future. So I would like to reset it completely without removing the RGH2 hack and just start over from the beginning with everything removed including the games. So that step one would be installing XeXMenu. I'm not new to console modding, I have a modded switch, ps3, wii and have owned a modded ps4, 3ds, psvita etc. But Xbox 360 modding has always been out of my reach until now, so I gotta learn it. Can anybody point me in the right direction? As I don't know and haven't been able to find any specific info on how to reset this kind of console without removing a jtag/rgh. Maybe i'm just bad at google but yeah... EDIT: Never mind, i just decided to try out some things myself and risking it... I just formatted the HDD from Xbox settings as usual and did a factory reset with key combination in system info screen.
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