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Everything posted by siz

  1. You can try a different font, just replace subfont.ttf with another one. Maybe test it on windows with the player of your choice until one shows them all, has to be a .ttf font!
  2. Foolproof way: 1. Extract XeBuild Gui to "F:XeBuild Gui" 2. Copy your orig_nand.bin into "F:XeBuild Gui" and rename it flashdmp.bin 3. Start XeBuild Gui 4. It now has loaded all the stuff needed (what hack to use etc.) 5. Enter CPU-Key 6. Press Check KV to check if CPU-key is correct 7. Go to Download and download latest dash files (and avatar for later) 8. Press "Generate Hacked Image" 9. Done. I press cancel to check if there any messages in the log. 10. Now you have updflash.bin in "F:XeBuild Gui" 11. Use your nand flasher of choice (flash360, xell, nand flasher gui) 12. Congratz
  3. Maybe the original build was bad, hmm.. All I have done is add telnet
  4. Here is XMPlayer compiled with telnet, just follow the included readme and post the output on pastebin.com when you have it: http://peecee.dk/upload/download/421784
  5. What do you mean? What is your resolution? Resolution of XMPlayer's UI 1280x720, so if you are using 4:3 etc. it can seem a bit distorted but that is only the UI.
  6. FYI. That can crash if the mplayer folder isn't on usb, because xmplayer saves last position of video in a file, so if you have exit a video after a minute of the video or before the last minute you will proberly get a stack dump (Red screen). Reason for this is that the libxenon fatx/xtaf library (filesystem of xbox) doesn't support write yet :/
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