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About RMS @ PAX

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    RMS Freshman
  1. Today was the first day of PAX, an event that has grown substantially since the last time I attended. The Expo Hall has grown to being nearly double the size, and the number of attendees has risen as well. As a person who went to Comiket in Tokyo, it's almost as crowded as it was there. It's amazing how the convention has grown, as it takes up all of the Convention Centre, as well as some space in hotels downtown. It's an event that is often difficult to get tickets to, so you have to keep an eagle eye out for when they go on sale. Apologies for the large photos, the forum doesn't seem to resize them, and I'm not quite awake enough to do it myself. As you can see, this is later in the day (around 7pm, after the Expo Hall has closed) and there's still a ton of people around. Among the games to try out was Thief, one of the games for the Playstation 4, and they had this really cool display with smoke coming out of it. Elder Scrolls Online was also playable, the line looping around the booth twice before the entrance to the playtesting area. Unfortunately, I was a little too late to get into the line, but perhaps tomorrow there will be a better chance. Each booth at the Expo had a line for trying out the games, taking anywhere from an hour to three to get through the line for your chance to play. Luckily, there are three more days of PAX to try my luck! Often in the lines the games companies will give away free items, though this year there seems to be less given out than other years. Bethesda also had Wolfenstein to play, with a large sized mechanical... thing, outside of it. I really don't play a lot of those kinds of games, but the large construction was very cool to look at and there were a lot of people snapping photos in front of it. I took a couple, and this is the best of them! Tomorrow, I am planning on going to the Square Enix booth and trying out some of their games. Are there any that people here are particularly interested in that will be at PAX? The PAX website is: http://prime.paxsite.com - and their schedule and Exhibitor information is up there. If there are any that people would like me to review, or take some photos of - just say so! Cheers, from PAX!
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