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Free Modded Lobby for who can help me.

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Hello I am a known modder. I have Lifetime XBLS and get my Kv's for free. I will host anyone who can get me a gold trial that can get my account back online. Any trial will do such as 2 days etc. If you give me a 7 day I will host 3 games of your liking. Anything above that will result in any 5 games you want to be modded and a permanent friend request. If you are a modder and do not need any of these things but you want to still help me out. I can give to you give you a link on where you can get Kv's and stealth for an amazing cheap price. I am in a partnership with a modder currently and he owns a Jasper and I have a Trinity and a Jasper. My Xbox gamertag is TU9 RGH MODDER. I am also selling my Trinity for $140. It was $180 and comes with lifetime of stealth. PM if you on interested. I am talking to someone about the Trinity so if you want it message me fast. Happy Modding! 

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