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Posts posted by Tactical_Bill

  1. Below is my smb.conf for the working share using the linux VM. It might be helpful to someone. Not much to it really



    log file = /var/log/samba/samba.log
    guest account = nobody
    passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
    add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd '%g'
    admin users = root
    obey pam restrictions = yes
    delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel '%g'
    socket options = TCP_NODELAY
    add user to group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -G '%g' '%u'
    null passwords = yes
    passdb backend = tdbsam
    passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
    wins support = true
    dns proxy = no
    netbios name = FILESERVER
    server string = TurnKey FileServer
    default = 360
    unix password sync = yes
    workgroup = WORKGROUP
    os level = 20
    add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m '%u' -g users -G users
    auto services = 360
    security = user
    syslog = 0
    panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
    delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r '%u'
    max log size = 1000
    pam password change = yes
    writeable = yes
    valid users = xbox,@users,@vboxsf
    path = /media/sf_360_Games

  2. I remember seeing that about Samba 3.6 as well, but I found my workaround before attempting it. I wonder how replacing Apple's SMB stack would work since I'm running OS X Server for file sharing. 


    As for sharing from Linux, its just a single purpose vm for Windows compatible filesharing. Made by a group called turnkey linux. It boots up and then you configure the shares via web gui. Pretty simple if I remember correctly.  https://www.turnkeylinux.org/fileserver


    An update from last night, I installed a new gigabit switch in place of an older wifi/router combo I had been using. My slowness of loading the games via ConnectX is gone! I know the the Xbox only has a 10/100 ethernet port, but the new switch made the world of difference in load times. Still would like to ditch my VM and use the native sharing on the Mac though. 

  3. Sorry to revive an old thread, but I'm trying to find an answer to this as well. It's been a while since I was working on this so my memory may be a little fuzzy. I'll be revisiting it soon though.


    In my case, I almost feel like it may be in part an internal DNS issue because I wasn't ping by hostname on my LAN from a Windows laptop to a Mac. I flashed my router with DD-WRT and enabled DNSMASQ. I can't remember the exact results right now, but I do recall that the Mac was at least showing in it's logs that the Xbox was trying to connect after that. I forget what messages were in the server logs on the Mac though. I was able to mount share on a Windows laptop after enabling DNSMASQ, but still couldn't from the Xbox.


    I became frustrated and impatient and started searching for workarounds. I tried using SMBUP as well as installing an alternate SMB server version. I couldn't get either to work with the Xbox (thought they worked with Windows). I ended up installing VirtualBox on my Mac Mini, then used the Turnkey Linux image of their File Server. After setting it up and sharing the same folder it works without issue, It's a little slow maybe but it's fine enough. I would really like to remove the overhead of running a VM just to share a folder. 


    I'm currently running OS X 10.11.2 with Server 5.0.15. Using a specific user dedicated to filesharing and that user was given read/write to the folder. I can mount the share on other Windows laptops, just not on the Xbox with ConnectX.


    I plan on testing all of this again in the next week, I'll report back what I find.


    EDIT: I did also try adding the com.apple.GSS.NTLM.plist file as recommended in the link provided above. It didn't work for me in SMBUp or any version of SAMBA I installed.

  4. And you should start learning how to use the search function.. this has been talked about a few times already.. 

    nothing else to say until you DON'T find the answer to your question here..

    And you should start learning how not to be a dick.. this has probably been talked about a few times already as well...


    Anyway, I HAVE used the search function and did find a lot about multi disc issues with Aurora and how to resolve it, but those issues pertain to games stored on a hdd. Multi Disc swapping is fine for me with Aurora using a hdd. This issue is specifically for multi disc support when using ConnectX. 

  5. I've started using the ConnectX plugin recently for Aurora, and have noticed that it will not swap discs for multi disc games. I've been testing this with Mass Effect 2. If I boot to FSD3 the disc swap works without issue. I have my discs setup as follows and had never had an issue with disc swapping until using ConnectX in Aurora


    //connectx/games/mass effect 2/dvd1

    //connectx/games/mass effect 2/dvd2


    As a workaround, I've tried copying disc 2 over disc 1 and playing, but was getting a dirty disc error. I tried putting the dvd1 files and dvd2 folder in the root of /mass effect 2/ but it still would not swap discs. 


    Anyone else experience this, have ideas for a resolution, or perhaps know if a fix is available? Until then I'm either stuck exiting the game each time I'm prompted to swap discs then booting into the next disc, or using FSD3. 

  6. I had the same issue when starting to use ConnectX. What worked best for me was to go to the Options for each game and Refresh, then as quickly as possible exit out to the cover flow screen. I noticed that if I quickly exited out to the main screen after Refresh, it SEEMED like the cover art would download where it wouldn't previously. I still had several that did not download so I pushed them from Unity. 


    Not sure if that will be much help, but just letting you know that I feel your pain. 

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