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Posts posted by aizenkill

  1. First of all great job and sorry for my English

    Good afternoon I wonder if anyone has been able to connect multiple consoles to share internet with each other, being connected consoles in the same room to link up and if so how?

    I have a game room with 8 rgh but 8 users connect to the same room to link up, I see the games for my consoles, but if I join my profiles to link any item that is in the same room "the use of host ", and connect one by one the profiles of my consoles there if I see the profiles that are on each console mia,

    I have them all with different ports, kernel 16197 ip's different all pass me and I have 8 users previously registered and activated http://link.jqe360.com/ in my mail, one for each console

    the point is that if I have 8 consoles and could create a game of 8 players in a room link-up so that users could join would be excellent, as the only way to do is to turn off the local network to link up and plugins because that way you lose the essence of the program to play online.

  2. a ver tengo una sala de juegos, 8 consolas en total, y me pasa q activo el perfil en cada consola pero al entrar al room no veo los perfiles q estan an cada consola mias , pero si aparece ejemplo ustedes (partidas de link), yo en cada consola solo los veria a ustedes pero al unir mis 8 consolas a ustedes se crearia una partida de 8 + la partida a la q uni mis consolas ya q ustedes me estarian hosteando, llevo todo el dia quemando mente , el por q y llego a la conclusión q el conflicto lo crea la mac del router q hace q el link solo me reconosca una mac para todas las consolas y la mac decada consola queda oculta

    quien me puede colaborar o un administrador q me de una mano (Y)

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