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Tony SSS

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Posts posted by Tony SSS

  1. It sounds like a game bug, have you tried looking for a new TitleUpdate? there might be a new one out that solves the problem... that's one of the things Title Updates are used for (to fix bugs that were found after the game was released)

    Ok, I'll go check out if some Title Updates will solve this bug.



    EDIT:I just saw if there was any new Title Updates,and the answer is:None.

    I also tried to use a previous Title Update (es. TU11) but it didn't fixed it.


    Maybe are the DLC's that i downloaded to cause this bug,if so i will try to delete some of them.

  2. Hello.

    My name is Antony Scafa (Tony SSS),and I'm new to this forum.

    I'm here to need help resolving a problem that refeers to Borderlands 2,one of my favorite FPS of all time,

    Basically the problem is this:

    When I pick up a weapon and I go to my inventory backpack screen the weapon that I picked up dosen't show there.

    And the weird thing is that no matter how left the space of my inventory is(say for example 35/39)the guns that I pick up still don't show on the inventory(and this happens only with guns and not granades,class mods,shields etc...),unless...

    ...I don't exit from the game and come back,then the guns actually do now appear in the inventory screen so that I can use them.

    And i also wanna point out that this problem did not occurred when i didn't have all the DLC's of the game before I downloaded and putted 'em,because i couldn't play System Link for the reason that the game said I didn't have the requested Downloadable Contents and the latest compatibility pack.

    If you have time,feel free to reply letting me know how to fix this problem if you know what to do(cuz I really don't know what to do here).


    You can also PM me if you want.

    P.S. Greetings,cuz you're all awesome here!(and thx to all of you who made me happy when I discovered that I CAN play online with RGH thx with LiNK and FSD 3)

    But seriously,I couldn't beileve it was possible thx to all of you who made LiNK.


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